Chapter Eighteen

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 I sighed as we walked down the street together. For once, I was actually in a good mood and feeling great. Hey, I just help bring two of my best friends back together, not very many people can say they've done that.

But, as usually, something had to come around and spoil it for me. Again. Seriously, is there some day where I can get some kind of break? Maybe a week or a two? Or better yet, the rest of my life?

Anyways, so Ame and I were thinking of places we could go to get some food, when a couple of the lower ranking Kaiju where making these strange sounds, like they were either calling for something or they were announcing someone's arrival.

"What the hell are they doing?" Ame asked me. I shrugged.

"I'm just as clueless as you are." I said truthfully. I looked back up at a few of the Wyverns that were perched on the wires, and I suddenly felt a soft vibration in the ground, and it only increased as time went by. Trying to pinpoint where it was coming from, I turned around, and I let out an annoyed groan. It was my fucking dad.

Go figure.

He was walking pretty casually, actually, for someone who's being shot at by KADT jets. Occasionally he would try and swat at them, but other then that he didn't really do much.

"Should we run?" Ame asked, looking at me through the corner of her eye. I nodded.

"He's the last person I want to see right now, anyways." I said. Ame nodded, and we both ran in the opposite direction of my dad. In truth, I have no idea where we ended up when I finally ran out of breath (Ame got tired faster than I did, so I ended up having to carry her for a while), since I had never been in this part of town before. It was really run down, and it looked like it hadn't been touched since World War Two. But then again, Agono was pretty run down town. When Ame and I finally managed to catch our breaths, we were just about to start running again, but dad had managed to catch up with us.

"There you are!" Dad said triumphantly as he picked me up. Without my permission, of course.

"God damn, not this bullshit again!" I cried out, trying to wiggle my way out of his grasp. It wasn't working. I yelped when dad suddenly lurched forward. He literally only took four steps before he stopped again.

"Move, humans, unless you want to be squished." He said, looking down. I looked down over his knuckle, and I saw Nathan and Aiden were on the road, with both of their mouths wide open, and their tongues practically dragging on the hot asphalt. Dad let out an annoyed grunt and he gently shoved them aside with one of his clawed toes before walking again. Eventually dad put me on his neck and started running on all fours back to the Kaiju territory. I had to hold on for dear life on one his spikes, praying to whatever deity who would listen to me that I wouldn't fall off.

He didn't stop running until we were deep in the Kaiju Territory. Once he deemed it to be safe, he grabbed me again and he nestled me in the middle of his palm. He walked in silence again before he finally spoke.

"So, there are some Kaiju I want to introduce you to." He suddenly said. I didn't answer. I was pretty pissed off at him, and for a few reasons.

"You're ignoring me again?" He asked, trying to get me to look at him by putting me closer to his eye. I pointedly wiggled around so my back was facing him. It was kind of hard, since he was keeping a really good grip on me, but it was worth it.

"What did I do this time?" He asked, making me turn back around. I just crossed my arms and looked away from his piercing gaze.

"Sorcha, please, don't be stubborn. I can't fix whatever I've done if I don't know what it is." Dad pointed out. I bit my lip, still trying my best to ignore him. I heard him sigh.

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