Chapter Four (Ame)

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When Fyrono finally lifted his tail so I could see Sorcha, I made no hesitation to see if she was alright. I mean, her fucking dad just tossed her into a lava pool!

"SORCHA!" I yelled as I ran to see if my friend was alright. She was passed out, but still breathing. Extremely warm to the touch, but not terrible considering the lava bath.

When I saw what Fyrono had turned her into, I couldn't help but stare in shock. Her face looked the same, with some darker orange scales on her forehead and cheeks, but she had a pair of golden horns like he did, but smaller. Her arms were covered in dark red scales and her fingers were tipped with sharp, black talons. Her legs were also covered in scales, but they had been reformed so she would have to walk on her now dragon like toes. Her hair had also turned into a richer red and it was spikier than normal. What also surprised me was the fact that her clothes were just fine, even though she just took a lava bath in them. Except for her shoes, they were gone.

I felt Fyrono's footsteps as he came to see her. I saw him smile, obviously happy with what happened. Without saying a word, he picked up Sorcha and I and started walking back out the same way we came in. He completely ignored the other Kaiju as he left.

Instead of squeezing us like he did before, his palm was open, probably so then Sorcha could lay down. He walked in silence, but occasionally I would catch him looking down at Sorcha, smiling slightly and with triumph in his eyes. It made me want to smack him.

He ended up dropping us off in the desert. I could see the KADT base from where we were, but it was so far away. The sun wasn't up yet, but there was some pink in the sky.

Right when he was about to leave, he finally spoke.

"Make sure she doesn't get caught." He ordered.

I was gonna do that anyways, you asshole! I thought angrily. He started walking again, but then he suddenly stopped.

"... Can you also say hi to Heather for me? It's been so long since I've last seen her." He said, sounding almost sad. It almost made me feel bad for him. Almost. He then took off on all fours back into the deepest parts of the desert.

Well, great! I'm in the middle of nowhere, my best friend is half Kaiju, she's passed out, and we're right next to a KADT base! Can this get any worse?! I thought in panic. That's when I remember that I should have my phone with me, so I reached into my pocket to get it out so I could call someone. It wasn't there.

Damn it! I thought. Right then, I heard footsteps. Not Kaiju footsteps, human ones. I then next saw a laser pointer, and it was aimed right at Sorcha's head.

"NO!" I screeched before pushing Sorcha out of the way. I heard the BANG of a gun going off, and then pain in my left arm.

Don't look at it, don't look at it, don't look at it. I repeated like my life depended on it, but that only made me want to look at it. My jacket was torn, and it revealed a large gash in my arm. It was also bleeding. It made me dizzy.

"Ame?" A male voice asked. I look up to see who had called my name. It was my boyfriend, Damian, and he still had a gun aimed at us.

"Babe!" I cried out happily.

"Ame, why are you with a Kaiju?" He demanded, sounding fearful. All I had to do was push Sorcha over so he could see it was her. He shined a flashlight on her face and he gasped.

"What the hell happened?!" He asked, looking at me for answers.

"All I know is that Fyrono is Sorcha's dad and he came for her so he could turn her into that and claim her as his heir!" I said, panicking.

"Fyrono? You mean... the Kaiju king is Sorcha's dad?!" Damian asked, sounding very surprised.

"Apparently!" I yelled back. He put his gun down, walked over to me, unzipped his backpack and he brought out some gauze. He wrapped my arm with it, and he looked over at Sorcha. She looked like she was dreaming, since she twitched and let out a funny noise from time to time.

"What do we do now?" He asked. I shrugged, flinching when my arm hurt.

"I guess we better get her to her house before more KADT agents get here." I suggested. Damian nodded, and he looked into his backpack. He brought out a blanket and covered Sorcha with it.

"Her scales will shine in the light." He explained. I nodded and he picked her up.

"Wow, she is heavy!" He exclaimed. I just smiled, and we started walking back to Agono.

It took us a long time, but we managed to get to Sorcha's house without any KADT agents finding us. I knocked on the door, and Heather answered. Without any question, she gestured for us to come inside. When we got there, I saw that there was another person here. She looked about the same age as Heather, but with both brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair was put up in a ponytail, she had glasses and a lab coat on.

"Dr. Petal!" Damian exclaimed. Dr. Petal smiled at him.

"I assume that the lump on your back is Sorcha?" She asked. He nodded.

"Bring her to the couch, then." She ordered. He did what he was told and he gently laid Sorcha on the couch. Dr. Petal unwrapped her and her eyes widened at her transformation.

"He really did it, the bastard." Heather muttered. Dr. Petal put the back of her hand on Sorcha's forehead.

"She's really hot..." She murmured. Heather looked at me, and I noticed that her blue eyes were stained with tears, as if she had been crying recently.

"Ame, you were with Sorcha, what happened? What did Fyrono do?" Heather asked. I slowly started to tell her what had happened, starting when Fyrono found us and kidnapped us both.

When I had finished, Heather slumped into a nearby chair, her hands on her forehead.

"Fyrono, why?" I heard her whisper to herself. Dr. Petal put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Heather. If he comes back, the KADT won't slack like that again." Dr. Petal said, trying to reassure her.

"But, Margaret..." Heather started. Dr. Petal shushed her before looking at Damian.

"Can you take Sorcha up to her room?" She asked. He nodded and lifted Sorcha up and took her to her room.

"Is Sorcha really Fyrono's daughter?" I finally asked. The whole situation seemed so unreal to me, I just had to check. My gut dropped when Heather nodded.

"Just out of curiosity, how did a KADT agent like you fall in love with the Kaiju king?" I asked. Heather smiled softly, her eyes showing that her thoughts were in the past.

"It's a... very long story." She said. I figured that it was her way of saying that she didn't want to say, so I let the subject drop.

"Ame! You should look at Sorcha's room!" I heard Damian call from upstairs. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, I'm coming!" I called back, getting up and walking to the stairs.

When I had managed to find Sorcha's room, I saw that Damian wasn't kidding. There was video game stuff everywhere, along with anime and manga. She even had a TV, and I looked in the case beneath it, and I saw that she had a few different consoles, too. I also found a laptop. Unfortunately it was locked, so I couldn't see what games she had on there, too. Damian looked at me.

"You don't think she'll mind if we play some video games, do you?" He asked. I shook my head. He looked at the games she had.

"Wanna play a few rounds of Super Smash?" He asked.

"Sure!" I said.

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