Chapter 4

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I took a deep breath and looked at her " I was asleep till yesterday I read that book which is called black magic "I said exhaling  "wait wait wait " john said surprisingly when he heard the book's name " I know about that book it contains a dark soul inside it if you read it , there will be a curse which is you will be having unlimited power of dark , and it will slowly take over your body . hey start to remember that night "
"All I can remember is that there was a strange voice and a black shape infront of me , he told me that I summoned him and that he will give me all I want . I don't remember anything else " I said worryingly as I take a seat on the disk while John and Jesse were looking at me  " well , I think you should go home and rest for now , It's been a tiring day . Tomorrow you will be fine " Jesse said kindly and rubbed my back . I got up then walked outside . I called the driver to take me home . We arrived at the castle . When I entered , Henry was waiting for me "welcome back sir" he said
" I feel good returning back " I said with a relief then walked to my room . I took some new clothes then I went to take a shower . I opened the water and got inside "finally something that can make me relax " I murmured to myself . I finished the shower then dry my body after that I stood infront of the mirror . I found a black scar on my chest , my eyes were red , and my hair was grey , I wore my clothes fastly then got out screaming " HENRY HENRY WHERE ARE YOU ?! " I said screaming as he came quickly at looked at me worryingly  "HOW DO YOU SEE THE COLOR OF MY EYES AND MY HAIR RIGHT NOW ? " I asked as he looked at me surprised "your hair is black and your eyes are hazel , what's new sir ?" He said and I calmed down a little "Okay fine thank you henry " I said softly then I entered the bathroom and locked the door . I looked at the mirror I found that grey haired strange boy that looked at me "who are you ?" I asked myself looking at the mirror and then the reflection in the mirror smiled "I am the power that you will use to destroy all your fears"

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