chapter 10

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I stood in my place not knowing what to do but i felt so sad my body felt weak and fall on my knees"i....i lost her"i said sadly as i begin to hit the ground trying to get my anger out"THis WOrld Should be destroyed"i said while my sound was getting sharper and i lost control of my body making black taking all over my body"yes tim let me help you"he said as he sealed my soul inside the dark and my body become stronger my hair turned gray and my eyes become red john felt that dark power so he rushed to me"no tim don..."he didnt complete as he saw my new body"sorry but your friend trusted me to destroy this world"black now is controlling my body while i was still in the dark "n..n-no way"john said shock and his eyes widen"NOW DIE!"black said as he put his hand in front of him and say a spell making a big black ball he smirk then throw it at john my friend stood on his place and when he got hit and make a big explosion destroying my castle making the place surrounded by flames as black was flying with a big smirk john was on the ground so weak couldnt move and his body was burning"Now its time to destroy the whole world"black said as he begin to walk to the city and when he reached there everyone looked at him as if he was my brother he smirk then said the same spell but this time the ball was much bigger than the other one and throw it in the middle of the city destroying all the stores cars and buildings while laughing"this world should be much better with out humans"he said devilishly as he was flying around"i will build a new with no hatred no bullies nothing but piece"he kept flying meanwhile jesse was running next to my burnt castle"Tim Tim help me!!"she was saying so scared but then she saw a boy running at her throw the flames holding a book"JESSE RUN"the boy said as jesse was scared so she rub as fast as she could and then she was going to fall but at that moment jesse thought she was dead the boy carried her and fly away"That...WAS CLOSE!!"the boy said as jesse opened her eyes and found that the boy was john"h-how i thought you were dead?"she said surprised"i saw you getting bur...."she didn't complete"COULD YOU PLEASE STOP I CANT BELIEVE I AM STILL ALIVE!!"he shouted as he get down in a safe place and put her down and then looked at a book in his hand"The White Magic"john said as a smile formed on his face then look at jesse"here take this keep it safe with you"john said as jesse took the book"what is this?"she asked as he held the book tightly"this book gave me power as the power that the black magic book gave to tim"he said happily as he turn and fly"i am the only one that can stop him"john said as he smirk and then tranform behind black"HEY BLACK!"john shouted angerily at black as black turned and looked at john surprised"oh you are still alive"black smirk " you want to die again dont you?"black asked with his devil smirk and his red eyes glow alittle

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