Joining Fairy Tail and Erza?

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You wandered around the streets of Magnolia looking for a guild called Fairy Tail with your exceed, Aqua, flying above your shoulder. "Stupid Makerov!" You grumbled when you reached the address Makerov gave you. You walked through the door, and saw a shirtless guy and a guy with pink hair fighting and throwing tables and chairs everywhere. "Hey Makerov!" You said waving. "I decided to take you up on your offer, and join the guild." You said smiling.

"You'll let us join won't you?" Aqua asked shyly.

"On one condition" Makerov began " you must beat our strongest female wizard, Erza Scarlet." He said smirking. The rest of the guild gasped, a girl with long scarlet hair stepped forward. "Do you accept my challenge?" Makerov asked.

"Absolutely!" You answered," which one of you is Erza?"
The scarlet haired girl stepped forward.

"Lets begin!" You said smiling.

Erza requiped into her heavens wheel armor, and sent hundreds of swords your way.You waved your hand in front of you and the swords fell to the ground."Gravity magic." You said answering Erza's question before she could ask.

She requiped into her lightning empress armor, and sent lightning bolts towards you. You simply ate the lightning and smiled.

"Did I forget to mention that I'm a dragon slayer?" I asked smirking.

"Another one?!" the guild gasped and started cheering. You decided not to use much of your dragon slayer magic so you decided to use the ice maker magic your mother taught you. You used your gravity magic and kept Erza from moving.

"Ice make:hammer!" you said and swung the hammer at her, but she requiped into her Adamantine Armor and blocked the hit."This isn't going anywhere."you mumbled and began to cast a spell and your opened and everyone could feel a large amount of magic energy being released.The locket closed and you were surrounded by yellow light. "Space dragon starry fist!" you yelled and punched Erza and sent her crashing into a wall. you used your gravity magic to keep her down.

"Master, when she chanted that spell I could feel her magic power growing what was that?" Lucy asked master.

"It's a special spell that can be deactivated at her will, that restrains her magic power." Master Makerov explained.

"Space dragon roar!"you yelled hitting Erza with a yellow light and she screamed in pain.

"That's enough (y/n)" Master said walking up to you."Mira, stamp her!"

The guild erupted into cheers. Erza got up and walked towards you"That was incredible,I'd like to fight again someday." she said smiling.

"You're on!" you said "but next time I won't hold back!"

"I never got to learn your name." Erza said curiously.

" It's (y/n)" I said "(y/n) (l/n)" however this was a fake last name I had given myself my real name is (y/n) Milkovich

The Space Dragon Slayer(Dragon Slayers x Reader x Gray x Lyon )Where stories live. Discover now