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~your pov~

I smiled at our little search party for Aqua, it just made me so happy to think that these people would do anything for another one of theirs. They've only known me and Aqua for what? A couple of days and now they're ready to do whatever it takes to get her back. We decided to try and follow Damion's scent, but he was too smart for that and covered up his scent. Luckily, he forgot to cover up Aqua's scent so we were following that. I couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving Aqua alone and without knowing a tear slipped down my cheek. I wiped it away, hoping no one would notice but I was too late Gray and Natsu had both already noticed. "Don't worry, (y/n), we'll find Aqua "Gray said reassuringly

"Yeah, and when we catch whoever did this he's going to get a real beating!" Natsu said with a toothy grin

"If you don't mind me asking, do you know who kidnapped Aqua?" Erza asked turning around to face me

"Yeah, I do his name is Damion, apparently he's escaped from prison, I've known him for a long time. He's extreme;y dangerous and he wants something Mysticana gave me.My mind was racing, and my heart was beating so fast I was sure it would pop out of my chest. I started to remember the first time I met Damion.


"(y/n), today you're going to meet the king of the dragons Acnoloiga and he's going to teach you dark dragon slayer magic." Mysticana said smiling. "You've completed your training in all the other elements and this is the last element you have to learn. And he has a lovely son too! I believe he's around your age." I smiled, I was finally going to meet another dragon slayer other than Wendy! I heard a roar followed by a flapping of wings and a pitch black dragon landed in front of our cave. He gave off a scary aura and seemed very regal. Later a boy with white hair hopped off his back and smiled. He looked nice enough, but something was off. Mysticana smiled and greeted Acnologia, but she didn't greet him wholeheartedly. She seemed worried about something. Mysticana had told me that Acnologia was the king of the dragons, but she had also told me to be careful around him and warned me that he might be dangerous.

"(y/n) come here and say hello to Acnologia and Damion" Mysticana said motioning for me to join her. I remembered what she had told me and walked up to Damion and introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm (y/n)! And you're Damion right? It's great to meet another dragon slayer! "I said cheerfully

"Yup, that's me! And you're right it is nice to meet someone else like you isn't it? "Damion replied cheerfully

" Hey! Do you want me to show you a really cool lake I saw when I was riding Acnologia?" Damion asked smiling

" I've probably already seen it, I live here and Mysticana and I go flying around here a lot, I'm sure I've seen every thing there is out here!" I said proudly and put my hands on my hips

" What if you haven't seen this lake yet? Then what will you do?" Damion shot back with a playful smile

" Then, you can push me into the lake, but if I've been there before I get to push you in!"I said smiling. He laughed with me and then asked

" How will I know if you're lying? There's no way to tell"

" I promise you I will be completely honest!" I said laughing

" Pinky promise?" He asked I nodded and we locked pinkies.

" Lets go then!" I said happily and we ran to the lake with our dragons following us. When we reached the lake, which sadly I haven't been to before, I gasped in awe

" Dad said that this would be a good place for training!" Damion said smiling" So have you been here before?" I was silent, and he had a sly smirk on his face and he pushed me in. During the few seconds I was underwater I heard Acnologia roar. When I resurfaced I saw Acnologia attacking Mysticana and Damion watching in horror.

" Dad! What are you doing?! You said you were coming here to train someone else not kill someone!"Damion yelled

" I want you to kill the girl, she has the keys I told you about" Acnologia said. My mind was spinning as I same over to the shore. Mysticana never told me about any keys. I looked over at Damion and his face was filled with pure horror.

" But she's my friend!" Damion argued

" It's time to decide, me or her. Don't go back to being that worthless little wimp you used to be!" Acnologia said sternly.Then something inside Damion snapped, and he was never the same again.

The Space Dragon Slayer(Dragon Slayers x Reader x Gray x Lyon )Where stories live. Discover now