Someone Worth Fighting For

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Hey guys  I'm finally back with another chapter for you guys, I'm so sorry about not updating, but my life has been really busy lately. Anyways before I start rambling, here's this long overdue chapter, I hope you all like it.

~ (y/n)'s POV~


I slowly woke up after a much deserved night of blissful uninterrupted sleep, but my facial expression turned into one of horror when I saw that the time on my alarm clock read 6:14, which meant I woke up just one minute before my alarm. All I wanted to do was to lay in bed for another five minutes before even attempting to lazily roll out of bed. But my alarm clock made the most obnoxious sound in the world and I hurriedly rolled out of bed attempting to reach the alarm clock and turn off the alarm before it could sound and ruin my morning. But in my rush to get out of my bed my foot got caught in my blanket and I ended up falling out of my bed onto the floor, but that didn't stop me. I scrambled to get up, and to my relief, I was able to turn off the alarm in time.


I smiled at my small but very important victory, before heading to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast before training. I passed by the room Sting and Rouge were sleeping in and I couldn't contain the smile on my face when I was how peaceful they looked, and how absolutely adorable they looked as well. I didn't have the heart to wake them up and decided to wake them up once I had finished making breakfast for everyone. This way they could get in that extra 20 minutes of sleep, besides they must be exhausted.

I finally made my way to the kitchen and I opened my refrigerator to see what I had to work with. I was going to make everyone waffles or pancakes first, but then I remembered I was going to have them train, so the last thing they needed was to cramp up, so I decided to make hash browns instead and scrambled eggs and she also made a piece of toast as well, she knew it was a lot of food, but they were dragon slayers, plus breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I walked back up the stairs and knocked on the door to Sting and Rouge's room, hoping one of them would stir, but sadly both dragon slayers remained fast asleep, unaffected by the loud knocking, or as some might call it, intensive banging on their door. I decided to try and wake up Rouge first, hoping that it would be an easy task. But I was proven very wrong very quickly. I tied everything imaginable, from yelling for him to get up right next to his ear to violently shaking him, but nothing worked, but after a couple minutes the smell of eggs and melted butter, and the two little boys jolted awake.

" Well it's about time you two finally woke up, I already made breakfast for everyone I already set you both a plate on the table with your breakfast, get ready soon and come down to eat before the food gets cold and the bathroom already has two toothbrushes and that kind of stuff so don't worry. " I'm going to go and wake up Aqua now, remember after we finish eating we're going to start training!" I said before running off to find my exceed. " Aqua! Aqua? Where are you, it's time to wake up!" I yelled hoping that she would wake up at the sound of her voice, but I was startled when I felt a sudden weight on the top of her head. It took me a couple seconds to realize that the thing on top of y head was Aqua.

" You know you didn't have to yell, I was right here," Aqua said before adding " I don't plan on going deaf anytime soon either."

I just sighed not wanting to pick a fight about this when it's so early in the day. " Yeah, yeah, I know. Let's just go eat okay?" I suggested, and Agua showed her agreement in the form of a small nod, not being much of a morning person or cat, or exceed. We walked down to the kitchen and sat down at the table, and Aqua engaged in a friendly conversation with Frosch and Rouge. After everyone had finished eating I put everyone's dishes away in the sink, deciding to wash them later and I ushered everyone to change as quickly as possible so that they could get in as much training as possible before I went to the guild with Aqua. I changed into my that I usually wore when I was training. after going to my room and ran back downstairs, and in another minute Sting and Rouge were downstairs with me. " Sorry we took a little bit longer than normal today (y/n), we kinda got lost, your house is HUGE!" Sting said gesturing with his hands wildly.

The Space Dragon Slayer(Dragon Slayers x Reader x Gray x Lyon )Where stories live. Discover now