Keys of the Elements

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~your pov (still in the flashback)~

I watched as Damion turned around to face me his magical power increasing tremendously every second. My head was swarming with unanswered questions, what keys were Acnologia and Damion talking about? And if I had them I would know, right? Is Mysticana not telling me something? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Damion's had started glowing with a black light. I looked over at Mysticana and Acnologia who were in the middle of a fierce battle, I needed to save my magical power, in case Damion decided to tr and kill me, which at the moment seemed very likely. Theoretically I should be stronger since I am a Space Dragon Slayer which means I can control all the elements in the Cosmos, but I've heard that Damion has been learning dragon slayer magic twice as long as I have so he would be a big problem.

I surrounded my fists with lightning and charged at him, but he dodged and landed a punch to my jaw. I stumbled but quickly regained my balance. I forced even more magic power to flow through me and charged at him again ,my fist surrounded b both fire and lightning, he dodged again. But this time I was prepared and kicked him in the stomach. I had my mother, Ur, to thank for this. Self defense was a top priority for her, and I had to master that before she would even begin to teach me magic. Damion took a few steps backwards but recovered quickly. He attacked me with a dark dragon roar which I countered with my own space dragon roar. This fight wasn't going to go anywhere, I ad to use a powerful attack before I start running low on magic power. I glanced back over at Mysticana hoping for an answer to pop into my head, and thankfully it did. Mysticana had taught me a special kind of magic, dragon take-over magic which allowed me to become any kind of dragon I've come into contact with.

There was just one tiny problem with my plan, Mysticana had taught me how to use dragon take-over, but she's never let me try it. She always said that it was too dangerous, and that I wasn't ready yet. It's either now or never! I thought to myself, and cast the spell. I could feel wings sprouting out of my back, and scales covering my body. In a few seconds I was a full dragon. (in the picture) Now I towered over Damion, who looked tiny in comparison. I was so proud of myself, Acnologia growled in annoyance and flew off with Damion riding on is back. After they were out of sight I turned back into my normal self and ran over to Mysticana, who had some nasty looking cuts along her body. She looked so happy and her eyes were filled with pride. "I'm so proud of you, you really proved yourself today, you never fail to amaze me" Mysticana said smiling.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked looking up at her.

"You already are, so I guess one more couldn't hurt" Mysticana said

"Acnologia was talking about some sort of keys, he said I had them, but I've never heard anything about them. What are they? Why does he want them?Do I really have these keys? f I do how come I didn't know about them?" I asked all my questions coming out at once.

"The keys that Acnologia wanted are with you, not physically, but you are the only one who can access them. Acnologia is called the king of the dragons, and I am known as the guardian of the keys. I gave them to you, because I feared Acnologia would find them if they were with me. We both share a strong connection with the stars and the celestial beings. The keys allow you to summon for of these spirits. They will allow you to use the power of the gods. Each key can summon one of the four celestial gods. These keys are also unlock a powerful evil and can achieve immortality if sacrificed. This is why we can't let anyone get their hands on them. No matter what you have to keep them safe. Each god has complete control of one of the four elements, earth fire, water, and air. The keys are kept in a celestial world that only you can access. I'll tech you to summon the keys and spirits once you're stronger. I'm sorry I didn't ell you about this sooner, but I felt it was for the best" Mysticana said with a half-hearted smile

"It's alright, I understand. " said and hugged Mysticana. It made me feel so proud that Mysticana would entrust me with something this important. I would not let her fate be misplaced. I would train, and train to become capable of protecting the keys. I have my goal, now I just have to achieve it


I sighed as I reached the end of my memory, my mouth was dry from reciting everything that happened that day, but I felt better sharing a piece of my past with them

The Space Dragon Slayer(Dragon Slayers x Reader x Gray x Lyon )Where stories live. Discover now