Team Natsu

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"Hmm, your name sounds familiar." Ezra said leading you to a table with the pink haired guy and the shirtless guy along with a flying blue cat, a lot like Aqua, and a blonde haired girl.
"This is (y/n)." Ezra said gesturing at you.

The shirtless guy was staring at me for some odd reason ever since he heard my name. For some odd reason his magic energy seemed very similar to my mother's. 'He couldn't have known my mother right?' I thought to myself hoping that wasn't the case. 

My mother was always a sensitive topic for me, because I never said goodbye to her when I left to search for my sister, Ultear. When I heard about her death not too long after my dragon left me I was devastated because I never got to tell her how much i loved her, and why I ran away. 

The shirtless guy came up to me and it seemed like he was almost analyzing my face " Your name sounds very familiar and your magic is just like my master, Ur's.

My eyes widened in surprise at the mention of my mother's name ' No way he is Ur's student' 

" You wouldn't happen to know her would you?" He asked looking me directly in the eyes. I couldn't help but nervously fiddle with a small bracelet that my mother had gave to me and anyone she ever taught. It was identical to the one he had on his wrist. The shirtless guy gasped when he looked down and saw the bracelet " Why did you run away! Did you know how worried Ur was?" He asked raising his voice.

"Look, I had my reasons for leaving and I don't have to share them with you!" I said, I had no idea why I was so defensive suddenly.  

" Okay, but you have to tell me someday" The still nameless shirtless guy said and walked away

"Hey! (y/n) fight me!" The pinkette Erza had introduced me to said running up to me.

"You're a fire dragon slayer, and I can eat all types of fire, you don't stand a chance!" I said laughing."Hey pinky, ice boy you never told me your names!" I said

"I'm Gray"said the shirtless guy.

"I'm Natsu!" Said the other one. " And I still want to fight you!" he said

"Nice to meet you both, but maybe we can fight some other time Natsu? " You said and turned to face the blonde celestial mage, named Lucy who Aquarius had told you so much aabout. "and I assume your the Lucy I've heard so much about?" You asked turning.

"Yeah, but how do you know me?" She asked confused.

"I'm a space dragon slayer, so I can move freely between here and the celestial spirit world" you explained.

" That's awesome!" Lucy said smiling

"Oh, I almost forgot! I still need to get stamped," you said " Aqua! Where are you?" you said looking for your exceed. You saw her with the blue exceed from earlier.
" Come on Aqua, we need to get stamped." You said

You walked up to Mirajane and asked for your stamp.

" What color do you want it and where?" She asked smiling.

"On my shoulder, and (f/c) " you replied. She smiling and pressed the stamp to your shoulder. She did this for Aqua too, but she got it on her paw.You smiled, you were now officially a member of Fairy Tail!

"Hey, I'd love to stick around,but I have to find a house!" you said walking out of the guild aqua flying above your shoulder. You came across a . "5,000,000 jewel!" you said surprised. you fished around your and grabbed 5,000,000 jewel. You walked inside and talked to the owner.

--------timeskip to after signing all the papers and buying the house-------------------

"We got a pretty nice place, huh Aqua?" you asked your exceed.

"Yeah, but do you have enough money to buy furniture? This house was pretty expensive" she said

" Don't worry, remember we got 15,000,000 jewel on our last job from the magic counsel, don't you remember?" you said laughing.You walked into town, and bought furniture and used your magic to make them float in the air so you didn't have to carry it all. you walked upstairs and flopped down on your bed in your , and slowly started to drift off. You woke up and looked at your clock. "Oh shit! 8 o'clock already!" you yelled. You shook Aqua until she woke up.

"Five more minutes," you heard her mumble cutely and go back to sleep.

"Aww, she's so cute and peaceful!" you said smiling. You decided to wake her up later and not disturb her. you took a shower and decided to wear an that suited the weather. It was supposed to be 90 degrees today. You walked into your kitchen and made pancakes. Aqua flew downstairs and plopped herself down on one of the seats at the table. You both walked to the guild and when you walked inside you saw everyone fighting as usual.

"Hey (y/n)!" Mira waved "did you find somewhere to stay?"

"Yeah!" You said smiling and walked over to the table Erza was sitting at eating strawberry cake."Hey Erza!" You greeted the red haired mage.

"Hey (y/n) come sit with me. You sat down next to Erza. You rubbed your head in pain. You had a headache and it was killing you, and the guild creating all this noise didn't help."Someone threw a table and it hit Erza's cake, and she joined the fight. The noise was getting really annoying after a few minutes and you got up and yelled.

"Space Dragon secret art: Cosmic Storm" and the guild fell silent seeing an unfortunate Laxus, who was in the range of your attack, on the floor out cold.

The Space Dragon Slayer(Dragon Slayers x Reader x Gray x Lyon )Where stories live. Discover now