Sting and Rouge?

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~(y/n)'s POV~

After this morning's drama was dealt with, and everyone was fully awake we started to resume our journey to find Aqua, and Damien. I was still unsure about what to do, Damien was strong, there's no denying that so rescuing Aqua would be difficult, without giving him the keys. But there was no way she could give him the keys either, they were the only things capable of destroying Zeref, and if they fell into Damien's hands then he would be unstoppable. I must have been lost in thought or something while wew were walking, because I felt the ground being torn out from under me as I tripped over a root, thankfully I was able to catch myself before I fell,

I heard a chorus of " (y/n) are you alright?" from everyone, who all had worried looks on their faces

" Sorry I was just lost in thought I guess, but we need a plan to defeat Damien, he's stronger than anyone else I've met, and it's been years since I last fought him, and who knows how strong he's become if he was able to break free from the magic council's prison!" I said running my hands through my hair in frustration. I hated not being able to help Aqua, while Damien was doing who knows what to her

~ Aqua's POV ~

Ever since Damien kidnapped me he's kept me locked up in a cell, and only stopped by to give me a little bit of food or water. I felt like I was going to go insane if I was stuck in here much longer. The walls of the tiny cell were painted a dull gray, and it was dimly lit, the only light was coming from a small crack in the doorway to what seemed to be a dungeon of sorts that she was locked up in. Normally she would be able to use her magic to escape, but Damien must have done something to this room because the moment she entered this room her magic power vanished, and she could tell that Damien's power decreased as well. ' It must be some sort of enchantment' she thought to herself.

A few seconds later she heard footsteps followed by the creaking of the old wooden door as Damien walked up to my cell once again. " What do you want Damien?" I hissed, if looks could kill he would of died a thousand times over.

Damien merely smiled " You can glare at me all you want, but without your magic you can't do anything to me" He said smugly a smirk growing on his face

"Once I'm out of here I swear I'm going to kill you" I spat at him already annoyed with is cocky nature

" Oh I'd love to see that, if only that were possible. I'm far to strong to be killed my a pathetic talking cat" He said the smirk finding it's way back onto his face

" Don't you dare insult me, I know (y/n)'s going to come looking for me and when she does she's going to wipe the floor with you" I said confidently

"Oh I'm counting on that, I needed you to draw her out. You see, she has something that I need and you're going to help me get it, and once I do, I will never lose to anyone ever again!" He said cackling loudly, and he sounded like a deranged mad-man. Soon black scaled started to encase his body slowly, starting at his feet ans stopping at his thighs, and the scales covered his arms and part of his forehead as well.

(y/n) had told me about this, Damien was losing control over the darkness within him and he's starting to turn into a dragon irreversibly, just like Acnologia. I was taken aback by the immense amount of magic power that was radiating off him in waves. He seemed to be fully concentrated on the scales covering his entire body, but his focus was disrupted when (y/n) burst through the door and she saw Damien. I saw Erza, Lucy, Gray, and Natsu pour into the room as well followed finally by Happy who was muttering something about always being left behind.

" Give Aqua back, and maybe I'll let you live, Damien" (y/n) said after she muttered a spell under her breath which turned off her magic limiters.

The Space Dragon Slayer(Dragon Slayers x Reader x Gray x Lyon )Where stories live. Discover now