Chapter Seventeen: Apart

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Hey, readers! You guys rock! Thank you for all of your support! Comment if you have any thoughts, predictions, feelings, worries, questions, or criticisms! Should I start posting chapters more often? How do you feel about that?! Also, I started posting a new book called In the Nick of Time. It's basically Season 6 Episode 14 or Grimm because I couldn't handle Grimm being over. Feel free to check it out and, as always, thanks for reading! - TRBL247


The bullet went straight through Nick's brain and killed him.

Or, at least, would have if Bonaparte had loaded the gun.

But the gun wasn't loaded, and Bonaparte knew it.

Nick had involuntarily closed his eyes but opened them after realizing that he wasn't dead when he should have been.

Theresa still held the gun to his head. She looked at the very alive Nick and pulled the gun back. She checked the magazine and the chamber of the gun. "You didn't load it?" she asked Bonaparte who was laughing to himself in the corner.

"Of course not. I think Nick could be very useful to us, but only if he's alive. This whole show was for you." He grinned at Theresa. She was pissed.

Meanwhile, Vincent was standing with his mouth hanging open. He was in shock. He just watched Theresa emotionlessly put a gun to Nick's head and pull the trigger. He couldn't believe it.

"Did you know about this?!" she asked/screamed at Nick.

"I had no idea," he swore. His eyes were wide with shock like Vincent's.

Theresa threw the gun and shattered the mirror across the room. She tried to storm out of the room, but Bonaparte got in her way.

"It's good to have you back, Theresa," Bonaparte said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

She took a deep breath and nodded submissively. "I need to go," she pleaded.

"Do whatever you want, my girl. I'm so proud of you." Bonaparte caressed the side of her face with his hand.

She walked past him. She didn't know where she was going. She didn't even know why she needed to go.

Bonaparte and the Blutbaden left the room, leaving Nick and Vincent alone with their thoughts.

"I can't believe it," Vincent said, helping Nick to his feet and untying Nick's hands. "I just can't believe she did that."

Nick couldn't say anything. He was thinking about Trubel. The girl who had just tried to kill him was not Trubel.

He thought about the merciless way that Theresa pulled the trigger. He thought about how angry she looked when he wasn't dead. He thought about the way she let Bonaparte touch her and tell her what to do.

Trubel was dead.

Theresa ended up in the kitchen. A place that she had never actually been before. It was late and she thought no one would be there. She was wrong. She found Max.

Max turned around and saw her standing in the doorway. He hadn't seen her since he betrayed her and lured her out of solitary confinement for a Siegbarste to beat her to a pulp.

"Max?" she asked.

He gulped.

"So this is where you ended up?" she asked menacingly.

"Uh, uh, uh, I g-guess so..." he answered. He was sure that, "I guess so" was going to be the last thing he'd ever say.

"There's something I've been wanting to do for a long time, Max," she said as she started walking closer to him. Max didn't want to know what she wanted to do.

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