Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After her conversation with Bonaparte, Trubel told Blake to meet her in her room. Together, they called Rosalee and Monroe and told them to hurry up if they could. They said, "We will do what we can." Rosalee said, "I'll call Sam right now."

Trubel left her phone in her room and went to go find something to eat. For the most part, she trusted Monroe and Rosalee but was still wary of eating anything they gave her after they had drugged her.

Vincent was walking down the hallway when he heard a phone ring. It was coming from Trubel's room. He knew that answering it would be an invasion of her privacy, but he couldn't seem to help himself.

He went in Trubel's room after looking around to make sure no one would see him, and ran to the phone, trying to pick it up before it stopped ringing.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Blake?" Monroe asked.

"No, who's this?" Vincent asked.

"I must have the wrong number," Monroe said, getting ready to hang up the phone.

"Wait!" Vincent yelled. "You're calling for Theresa, right?" he asked.

"Um," Monroe said. "Yeah..."

"You're Monroe, aren't you?" Vincent asked.

Monroe didn't answer.

"I'm Vincent," Vincent introduced. "I'm a friend of Theresa... Kind of."

Monroe wasn't quite sure what Trubel's story was, so he pretended not to know Vincent. "Oh," Monroe said. "She never mentioned you." Monroe paused and quickly asked, "Can I talk to her? She's okay, right? Nothing bad happened, right? Bonaparte didn't find her?"

Vincent remembered that Trubel had been lying to Nick's friends... Or so he thought.

"Wait," Vincent said. "You need to listen to me," he begged. "She is not the person you used to know. She's been lying to you!"

"She wouldn't do that," Monroe denied.

"Yes, she would and she is! You need to listen to me. If you don't believe me, maybe you'll listen to Nick."

"You can talk to Nick?" Monroe asked, playing stupid.

"Yes, he's at the Black Claw compound. And so is Theresa. She works for Bonaparte," Vincent explained.

"I don't believe you," Monroe said. "I want to talk to Trubel."

"You aren't listening to me!" Vincent yelled, frustrated. "I'm going to find Nick," he said mostly to himself. He left Trubel's room and started walking down the hallway.

Trubel realized too late that she had left her phone in her room. She felt uneasy and ran back to get it.

She saw Vincent walking near her room as if he had just come out of it. Something was in his hand.

"Vincent!" she yelled.

They kept arguing back in forth until everything got out of hand.

Trubel walked up to Vincent and tried to take the phone away from him. Vincent put it in his back pocket, so Trubel punched him in the chest.

Vincent groaned and woged. He growled and Monroe could hear the roar of a Mauvais Dentes on the other end of the phone.

"I'm not giving it back," Vincent said.

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