Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Hurry up!" Trubel yelled angrily.

"You don't need to pretend to be such a jerk with me. I know the truth, remember?" Blake said.

"I'm not pretending! We need to go! The Spice Shop closes at 5:00!" she yelled from the other side of Blake's bedroom door.

Blake opened the door and came out wearing a hoodie and jeans. Trubel looked him over.

"You're wearing that?!" she asked incredulously.

"What? Are you the fashion police, now?" Blake questioned.

"No, I'm just wondering how it took you so long to put that on," she said, clearly frustrated.

"It's the hair," Blake said pointing to his hair, styled with gel. "It's hard to get it this shape."

"Stop goofing around! Bonaparte knows where we're going, and he wants me to train you. He's going to be scrutinizing everything we do!" she hissed.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll straighten up. Let's go tell him we're leaving."

"Good luck!" Bonaparte yelled as Trubel walked out the door. Blake stayed behind a little longer.

"We might not be back tonight," Blake said.

"Why?" Bonaparte asked suspiciously. 

"I haven't talked to Theresa about it yet, but I think it might be hard to find Burkhardt's friends," Blake began. "Think about it. They were probably with Burkhardt some of the time he was on the run and somehow the whole group kept from being pinned down."

"That would make sense," Bonaparte agreed. Sometimes, he thought it was strange how easily he agreed with Vincent, and Blake, and Theresa. It made him feel like he couldn't trust himself. However, he was getting all the results that he wanted and didn't know how it could possibly be a bad thing. He thought the people who worked for him were interested in serving him rather than themselves.

"So, I was thinking that we stake out a few places where we think they'll be. I don't think we will come back tonight, and we still might not even find them..." Blake trailed off.

"That's no matter. I am not wildly concerned about this mission. I know Theresa wants to prove herself to me (even though she already has), so I'm letting her try this," Bonaparte explained indifferently. "I don't really care whether Monroe or Rosalee come in. As far as I'm concerned, I have everything that I need right here."

"Thank you, sir," Blake said.

"Go find Theresa before she comes looking for you. I think that we've all learned that she isn't pleasant to be around when she's upset," Bonaparte told Blake with a huge grin on his face.

Blake nodded and ran to the garage. Trubel was waiting for Blake in the driver's seat of the black sedan. The car was running.

"Where were you?" she demanded.

"I was just talking to Bonaparte a little longer. He won't be surprised when we don't come back with Monroe and Rosalee."

Trubel smiled. "Thanks."

They pulled the car around and parked in a spot where only employees were supposed to park. After that, Trubel stepped out of the car and told Blake, "I'm going to see if the back door is unlocked, or if there is another way to sneak in."

"Why do we have to sneak in? And couldn't we have just called them to see if they were here?" Blake asked.

"I have been missing for what? A few years, now? If they suddenly hear from me, or see me they might think it's some kind of trap," Trubel explained quickly. They won't give us a chance to talk to them. Go knock on the front door and pretend you're some kind of worried customer."

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