Chapter Eighteen

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Theresa was hardly ever at the compound anymore. Night after night she would go out and come back with a few HW agents. Eventually, Bonaparte gave her permission to leave Portland. Theresa always returned unscathed which Bonaparte attributed to the lack of distractions - distractions like Vincent.

The new HW agents were immediately taken to an interrogation room and asked questions by Theresa. She was always successful at getting information out of them, and they always seemed to be cooperative after she spoke with them. From there, Nick and Vincent would work behind the scenes to rally troops for their secret revolution.

"One of these days, we are going to have to act," Nick pointed out.

"It's concerning. If we lose, we die. If we win...?" Vincent began.

"We'll have a lot more fights ahead of us," Nick concluded. "I don't think I'll be able to kill Theresa or have someone kill her if it comes to that. And I have no desire, even now, to let that happen."

"Do you really think we can get her back?" Vincent asked.

"I don't, but I can't let her go even though I know she's gone."

"I can't let her go either... That's why she tried to run me over."

Nick put his head in his hands. What were they doing?

After her weeks of success, Theresa was looking for new ways to prove herself to Bonaparte, and new ways to entertain herself. She had an idea and was about to go find Bonaparte to share it with him. As it turns out, he found her first. She headed towards her bedroom door when it suddenly opened. Bonaparte was standing in front of her.

"Are we in a hurry?" he asked her.

"No, sir. I'm just heading out again," Theresa said.

Bonaparte looked like he was planning something. "Why don't you take a break? You've been very successful at bringing HW agents, and have even gotten most of them to work with us. I think you deserve a break."

"I don't need a break," Theresa said.

"Oh?" Bonaparte challenged. "Then you must be going on an important mission. Where are you headed?"

Theresa hesitated.

"You can tell me," Bonaparte said gently and moved his hand up to brush hair out of her eyes.

"I'm going to look for Monroe and Rosalee. I want to bring them in," she admitted.

"Are you sure you aren't letting personal attachment cloud your judgment?" Bonaparte asked.

"What attachment? They are Wesen that used to collaborate with HW. They might have some connections."

'You astound me, my dear!" Bonaparte exclaimed. Theresa truly had no emotional connection to her old life. Theresa nodded and began to head towards the door. Bonaparte grabbed her arm. "Since you are so set on working tonight, I want you to do me a favor."

"What do you need?" she asked obediently.

"I want you to take Blake with you," Bonaparte said.

Theresa knew better than to argue with him, but she wanted to be alone on her mission. "Are you sure that he's ready?" Theresa asked.

"Honestly," Bonaparte began, "I am not so sure. But I do know that you are a very capable girl. Blake still has a lot to learn as far as high priority missions are concerned, and I think that you could teach him what he needs to know."

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