CHAPTER 1 The Beginning

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" F I N A L L Y," Carlina rubs her hands together feeling satisfied after a whole day of decorating the new apartment she just bought.

Alicia, her best friend, standing beside her and gives a reassuring smile. She has helped her decorating this apartment from the beginning. From choosing the wall paint to the arrangement of the furniture. She has been really helpful. Now, they only have to wait for the apartment to be occupied.

Carlina couldn't help herself from feeling very excited.

          " Excited?" asked Alicia one of raising her eyebrows.

          " Yes, very. I can't wait for him to be here," she answered with a full smile on her face.

Carlina is impatient for her boyfriend to be here next week. Her boyfriend, Alessandro is from Italy and he will be here in Los Angeles and attending a local university for his final year. From next week, we can see each other every day just like when we're back in Italy.

          " I miss him so much," she whispered under her breath.

It has been a year since they last met face to face. The first time Carlina saw him was when she was in the transfer students programme 3 years ago for an experience. She was posted to Italy for a year. Back then, she is sixteen while Alessandro is eighteen when they met. Carlina had been transferred to his high school and there was where she met him for the first time. He was very sweet. He walked her to the way to her classroom and have lunch with her when he can. He always with her and took care of her since she doesn't have anyone else all the time when she was there. After she finished the programme, she came back here to LA and met Alicia. Then from then on, they become best friends until now.

Carlina's parents died in a car accident when she was only 10 years old. Her parents inherited their properties and wealth on her name to support her expenses. She also has an uncle on her mother's side but he always travels since he is a businessman like her parents and he is the one who runs her parents' company since they died. The last time she saw him was last summer. But even though she got the all the luxuries she didn't take what she has for granted. She doesn't live in a mansion or have a personal maid like other rich kids, instead, she lives in a decent apartment with her best friend.

          " Come on. I'm hungry, let's go have some pizzas," Alicia suggested and claps her hands then grab Carlina's hand to outside.

          " Yeah, wait a sec. I'll go grab my backpack."

After that, they went outside and lock the door and gate. Carlina drives them to a dinner in her new Porsche. It only takes them fifteen minutes to get there. She parked her car across the road.

They ordered a medium size pizza and sodas and any other side dishes. Then Carlina just remembered that she has to call Alessandro. He called her this morning but she said that she is a bit busy because she and Alicia are decorating his apartment, but she didn't tell him that it is supposed to be a surprise for him.

Carlina taps the video call icon beside his name on the screen and waits for him to pick up. Not long after that, she sees his face on her screen.

          " Hi, Ales," Carlina greeted first in my cheerful tone.

          " Alina," he replied in his husky and honey-laced voice.

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