CHAPTER 6 In The World He Lives In

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Three years later . . .

A L E S S A N D R O got out of the building with a scowl on his face and hold a taxi that is passing by. He hopped into it and tells the driver to drive him to the location that he wants to go.

He can't stand this anymore. What is the point of him coming to the meeting if he just sitting there doing nothing?! His father has embarrassed him. He cut him out whenever he is trying to speak out his opinions about a project that they are working on. He ignores his presence in the meeting room while giving him a glare and disapproving look.

The best he could do about it is to storm out of the meeting room before he exploded on the spot.

The family business can go to hell, he could live without it. His father can give the president chair to anyone in his favor— which is not him at all.

If it's not because of his mother's wishes, he would not even consider getting involved in any of the matters of Marchesi Enterprise at all. He would not even care about it.

He spaced out until a cellphone rings loudly in the silent taxi. The taxi driver doesn't even dare to speak a word when he saw an angry scowl on his face as he enters.

Without looking at the caller ID, he picks up the call and put his cellphone on his left ear.

" What?" he snaps at the person at the end of the line. He is in no mood for conversation. His blood is boiling.

" What were you thinking?!"

Oh, how he regrets answering the call. This just added to his anger.

" You know what? I wasn't thinking at all! My presence was not needed and I have a more important thing to do than to just sit there listening to an old man bragging about himself!" he snaps back.

" I don't care! Your irresponsibility and childishness have almost cost us the project! You must take responsibility!" his father, Mr. Luis Marchesi nagged.

Now it's his fault? Didn't his father notice that the old man was taking advantage of them? Just because he is new to the crooked business world doesn't mean he is blind to it.

" Why are you blaming me?! You are the one who is blind! He is trying to manipulate the project!"

" I was in this business longer than you and I have more experience. I know what I am doing. While you are just a mere—"

He doesn't have the desire to hear the rest of his sentences, so he hung up. He knows what was his father about to say as he already said it hundreds of time.

" Useless and fool," that is what his father would say.

The taxi glides smoothly on the busy road as he calms himself down and looking outside the window of the New York City skyline. From here, he could see the Empire State Building and also the tallest building in the city— MARCHESI TOWER, where his family empire resides.

A few minutes later, the taxi stops in front of an apartment complex where his penthouse resides at the top of the building. He pays the taxi driver the right amount and walks straight to his haven. He doesn't want to walk in the office in this mood. He might just snap at everyone.

He loosens his tie and throws his jacket on to the sofa, releasing a heavy sigh. Everything in his life is a mess. All he wants is a normal life not a life with piles of wealthiness and high expectations with zero morality. He is surrounded by people that care more about reputation rather than sincerity.

He sits still and leans on the couch staring at the ceiling, closing his eyes. The moment his eyes are closed, he imagined a pair of grey striking orbs staring back at him behind the darkness. An ache filling his chest.

He sighs.

A loud blaring from his cellphone brought him back to the real world. He checks the ID, Mrs. Paulina. "What now?!"

Even so, he answers his mother's call and lean forward and with his elbows on his knees and his head in the palm of his hand.

" Yes, mother?" he answers softly.

" Alessandro, how are you? How is work?" his mother's gentle tone greets him back.

" I'm good, mother. What is the reason you are calling me?" straight to the point Alessandro.

" Now, Alessandro. Is it wrong for a mother to contact his son? I'm disappointed in you."

More disappointment. Is there anybody in this world that is not disappointed in him?

" Mother," he hardened his tone. "— what do you want?" he doesn't even care if his mother will be disheartened by his attitude. He can only take so much from his parents in one day. He has enough to care so much about people who don't even look at him.

His mother sighs at the end of the line. " I want you to clear your schedule for this weekend and book a flight to Milan today. I have set an event for you to attend," his mother explains in her fake cheery tone with a tiny of an ordering tone.

" Another event? Mother, please. I'm busy. I had already attended two events this week."

" Please, Alessandro. It is for your good. People have to know who you are so they won't dare to cross your path and your reputation," his mother persuaded him.

He feels like to screams in frustration.

" Mother— " he sighs but before he continues, he was cut off by his mother.

" How many times do I have to tell you, Alessandro? Call me mamma, not mother," she babbled before continuing, " — and NO. You will book a flight now to Milan and accompany me to the event. That's it," his mother ordered.

" Yes, mamma," he gritted his teeth in frustration and ends the call immediately before his mother continues yapping at him again.

Immediately, as his mother said, he called his family personal pilot to get ready to fly. Mr. Luis Marchesi would surely be mad after this.

" Let him go crazy when he knows that I used his private jet without his consent," he mocks in his mind.


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