CHAPTER 3 Short Happiness

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Beep. . . Beep. . . Beep . . .

CARLINA frowns. Who dares disturb her sleep?

She released an annoying grunt when she heard that annoying beeping sounds again. She thought it was her alarm clock but when she moves her hand on the dresser on her right side it is empty.

She opened her eyes and became confused. This is not her bedroom. Her bedroom has a dark wood ceiling and the wall was painted cream white but this room is white and concrete. She raised her hand to cover her eyes from the blinding light through the windows but her left-hand feels restraint and heavy. Her eyes widen as it falls to her left arm. It is on a cast and there is a tight bandage around her head.

She tries to sit up with the help of her other hand and leaned her back on the headstand. Her eyes looked around her for clues as she smells the strong stench of medicines. The heart monitor on the left side of the bed gave it away though.

She is in a hospital. What idiots would not know that?

She recaps on the last thing that she could remember that might have brought her here. The only thing she remembers was that she just finished her class and planning to go somewhere but it does not clear where it was on her memory.

Suddenly, there is a soft click of someone opening the door that breaks her from a daze.

A doctor steps into the room with a nurse following behind.

           " Are you feeling a little bit okay today?" asks the doctor with a thin smile.

           " No," she croaks. Her throat is dry and it hurts a little bit when she talks.

           "Okay . . . Let us check how is your condition is now."

The nurse reads her pulse and checks her bandages while the doctor is briefing her about her medical conditions.

           " You want some water?" the nurse asks. Carlina nodded and shifted so she is leaning her back on the headboard. The nurse put one pillow on her back to make her feels more comfortable and hold out a glass of water to Carlina.

Carlina drank the water till the last drop, shows how thirsty she was and put them back on the dresser. She clears her throat and popped a question that has been circling her mind as she realizes that she is in a hospital ward.

           " Why am I here? And how long have I been out?"

           " You survived in a car accident. A car from the opposite direction loses the break. The driver tried to avoid you but it was too late because of the speed of his car. It collided with yours and then bumped on a tree while yours make an impact with the street divider. Thankfully you and the driver do not suffer any major injuries. Thankfully, a person who witnessed the accident calls the ambulance right away. From what I observed, you're quite lucky to have several bruises and cuts and a fractured arm. Not any major or prolong injuries" explained the doctor.

           " How can that be lucky?" Carlina muttered. Her boyfriend was cheating on her and not even half an hour after that she got into a car accident.

           " Excuse me, can you repeat that?" the doctor jerks her head towards her.

           " Uh, nothing," Carlina shrugged, " when will I be discharged?"

           " It depends. You may have to be treated here for a few days until you slightly recovered."

Carlina groans. She already has a vision of what would happen if she has to stay here for more than two days. She would miss out on her classes and will get so bored. Moreover, as smart as she is, she is too lazy to do revisions of what she had missed in class and the multiple home works--

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