Chapter One

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The sound of gunfire polluted the air mixed in with yells from men and women, screams of those who have been shot, vicious loud growling, and whimpers of wolfs being injured or killed.

“We’re outnumbered; I thought we would have more numbers than this.” I stated looking back at Alpha Riley of the White Knight pack. Both of us were standing in the distance shooting off our guns towards the enemy pack:

The Blood Lust pack.

Their name was fitting since all they ever wanted was to see other peoples blood fall at their feet; it made them feel more powerful and gave off the impression that they should be feared.

And it worked because I was terrified.

We weren’t like them though, when we shot it was only to warn them to back off or to distract them if they came close to killing one of our own, only seven of them were actually killed by gun so far when they hadn’t listened to our warning shots. When I came in contact with them it was in the middle of the night in my bedroom when I thought I was completely safe.


“Come back!” I shouted at the girl who was running away from me.

My mate.

She was laughing while frolicking through the large grassy meadow. “Come get me Landon! I don’t think you can.” She said in that beautiful sing song voice of hers while her light pink hair blew into the wind.

I smirked then sped up getting closer to her but not close enough, I wanted her to think that she was faster than I and was winning at this little game of hers. But I would get her, she knew it as well.

“You better run faster Doll.” I said in a husky voice and she squealed not expecting me to be so close which caused me to laugh.

Just as my arms went to wrap around her slender body we both fell down due to a strong vibration in the ground followed by a loud ‘bang!’. We both looked around trying to find the source of it when the ground started to split. Bang!

“Come here Doll I’ll protect you.” I said reaching my arms out to her but it was too late, the ground split beneath her and she fell in.

“No!” I screamed grabbing onto her hand before she was gone forever, I didn’t even get to see her face; it was like this in all my dreams about her. The ground shook underneath me and I was losing my grip.

“Just let me go and save yourself.” She said sadly and I shook my head.


“I lov—“ Bang!

I jolted awake and saw that my double French doors have been busted open. “What the he—“ I started to say before someone’s fist connected with the left side of my face.

“It’s nice to finally see you again Alpha Maxwell.” He said while twirling a bloody knife around in his hands. “May I call you Landon? I mean I used to on our playdates when out parents used to do…business.” he said with a smirk on his face while he looked at his knuckles he hit me with. At the mention of my parents my blood started to boil and my heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to explode.

“I’ll make this quick, you and your pack have a week to leave the grounds or we’ll go to war. It’s as simple as that.” He said with a sick smile on his face.

“Not going to happen, Wyatt.” I spat at him but she just shook his head.

“It’s Alpha Nelson to you now. My father had a bit of an accident a while back.” He said but I knew it was no accident. His father was just as bad as Wyatt and had a problem with letting other people take over. I wouldn’t be surprised if Wyatt killed him since he had always been power hungry. “Bring them in.” he called behind his shoulder and I looked over to the doors as two of his men came in carrying the dead bodies of two of the guards on watch tonight. Their bodies were dropped carelessly on the ground next to my bed and Wyatt paced back and forth slowly. “See how easy that was for us? There’s more where this came, more of your men will die and your women will wish that they were. One week.” He said smiling sadistically then just as quick as he was there he and his men where gone leaving me to panic in my room.

End of flashback

“No we’re not; I just wanted to see if they’d back off by now. You said you trusted me right?” he asked looking at me and I nodded my head. “I know you didn’t want deaths on any side but this is how it has to be. I need you to tell me you understand before the real team gets here.” he said looking me straight in the eyes.

I nodded again.

“Alright.” He said then loudly whistled. I didn’t get what he was doing first but soon I heard honking of car horns and the engines that came with them. What really made me curious was when some of his pack in the field was pushing my pack members off to the side. I aimed my gun in the direction of the cars but it was soon pushed down by Alpha Riley who was shaking his head. Soon three cars came flying over the hill and raced down towards the war that was going on a few yards ahead of us.

“Alpha look out!” Alpha Riley yelled and I looked at what he looked so panicked over, a wolf was launching himself at me with his teeth barred aiming straight for my neck, just as soon as I had my gun raised an arrow came flying over my shoulder and hit the wolf right in the shoulder bringing the large gray wolf down.

“How..” I started but I was at a loss of words.

“Wolfs poison.” Alpha Riley said next to me with a smile on his face.

Some of those stories you read in books aren’t so far off, Silver mixed with just enough Potassium will but any wolf down for a while. In large doses it even kills.

“That’s my girl!” Alpha Riley yelled and I followed his gaze to see a girl jumping down from a tree with a bow and arrow in her hands. She was absolutely beautiful and for some odd reason she seemed so familiar. Her hair was a dark forest green color that was twisted into the famous messy bun on top of her heart shaped head. I thought it was an odd color choice considering you usually see every female sporting the blonde to porn star blonde hair. She was wearing a black crop top which showed her flat stomach and white denim shorts which flaunted her long tanned legs. It wasn’t until she turned her face towards us when I finally realized why she was so familiar to me.

The angel in front of me was the same girl that had been haunting my dreams for months.

I had finally found my mate and she was only a yard away from me.

Authors note.

First chapter! Let me know what you think. Please comment, vote and follow. Thank you for reading!

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