Chapter Four

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It took me a few minutes to gather what had just happened but I finally snapped out of it and came back to reality when I heard Vickis sobs and her constant pleading at Bailey for her to wake up. I crouched down beside Vicki putting my arm over her to shield her from any harm and after a few minutes of frantically looking around to make sure we were safe I put my hands under her arm pits and gently pulled her up with me.

I hugged her to my chest making sure that her back was facing the door and mine facing where the shot came just in case somebody was still out there waiting to hurt my mate. “Kevin!” I called out to my beta knowing he would hear me and be here within a few seconds.

As if on que Kevin came running around the corner of the house with his gun in hands and a concerned expression on his face. “Yes Alpha?” he asked stepping up to where me and Vicki stood.

“Take Vicki inside and make sure nothing happens to her.” I said looking at him then back down at Vicki who was crying into my chest. “Vicki, I have to go help.” I said rubbing her back but at the mention of me leaving she shook her head and grabbed tightly onto my shirt.

“Alpha!” I heard someone yell. Looking over my shoulder I saw one of my men with his arm extended up in the air and his thumb sticking up; meaning that everything was handled and we were safe for the time being.

“I’m sorry but I really need to go find out what happened and talk with your dad to make sure that it won’t happen again. Don’t you want me to find out who hurt Bailey?” I said softly while putting my hand under her chin and pulling her head up so her eyes met mine.

She just simply nodded.

“Alright then I have to go but I promise to be back as soon as I can.” I said stroking her cheek softly then put myself between her and Baileys body when I saw her trying to look. “Go with Kevin, I’ll see you later.” I finished kissing her forehead before motioning her towards Kevin.

“Get somebody to take the bodies away; we’ll hold a service for them in a few days. I just need to get this mess figured out.” I said quickly running my hand through my hair.

Jogging down the stairs I quickly ran over to the man who gave the all clear signal to me. With my shoulders slightly raised and the palms of my hands extended outwards in front of me as if to say “What the hell” I called out to him “Do we know anything yet?” I asked slowing down when I got caught up and we fell in to a speed walk pattern.

“Not much Alpha. The only thing that has been confirmed is that they were from the Blood Lust pack.” He said to which I nodded. Of course it was that much I already guessed. The rest of the way we walked to the holding facility was spent in silence as I was consumed with my thoughts and worries.

When we finally arrived there were around fifteen to twenty men from mine and Alpha Rileys pack gathered outside the blackened doors of the facility, that way in case a pack member came by and we happened to have a prisoner up there they wouldn’t be able to see them and start to panic.

“Alpha Maxwell, Alpha Riley is waiting for you inside.” One of the men said and I nodded as a thank you. With my hand on the door knob I paused and looked back at them, “I want thirty men covering the boarders and at least ten around here. Nobody enters or leaves the territory without a clearance from me. Got it?” I asked a got a murmurs of “Yes Alpha”s and “Yes Sir”s. Throwing the door opened I walked inside to be met by Alpha Riley and a few more pack members from each pack.

“Landon I heard Vicki scream, is she alright? I wanted to check on her but we were busy taking these bastards down.” He said walking with me over to the basement door.

“Yes she’s fine, she was standing to close to somebody who got shot...” I said then looked at him. “in the forehead. She’s shaken up but she’s physically unharmed, I wouldn’t have let anyone hurt her.” I said.

“I know, listen, we need to talk about that. You and Vicki I mean.” He started while putting his hands on his hips.

“Sir with all due respect I think we have more pressing issues right now. We’ll have to talk later about it. Do you mind if we have some of your men come down with us?” I said gesturing towards his guards with my hands.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He said offering me a smile and we then made our way downstairs.

One you get down the stairs you are immediately shown two different hallways. The one of the left is where the holding cells and interrogation rooms are and the hallway to the right is where the torture rooms are when extreme measures are needed.

“Find which one of them shot a female named Bailey in the head and bring him to room one. When you bring them in make sure you leave the door propped open, I want these guys to know that we’re taking this very seriously. And I would like two guards stationed outside the room in case he tries something.

Without letting him have a chance to answer I went down the hallway on the right and into room one. Once in there I started preparing the room for what was about to happen; I moved the metal chair with straps on the arms and legs into the middle of the room then walked over to the tray of various tools and knives we keep in each room. Dragging that over I put it a few feet in front of the chair to give this heartless ass a view of what I plan to use.

“Alpha we have the prisoner.” One of the guards said while I had my back to them.

“Put him in the chair and make sure he’s tied down tight.” I spat while organizing the tools in front of me to what I would first use to last.

“Alpha I think there is something you should know first.” He said again but I didn’t want to listen.

“Just strap him in.” I said moving my neck side to side to make it crack.

“But—“ he began.

“NOW!” I yelled slightly turning my head in their direction. After I heard shuffling of the feet and scraping of the chair I grabbed the pliers in my hand and took a breath.

“You have messed with the wrong person today. You’ll tell me what I need to know or there will be severe punishment.” I said.

“Good luck with that.” He said

Or should I say, she said.

“If I killed my own sister what makes you think I’ll be telling you anything?” she said and that’s when I finally turned around.

This just got hell of a lot more confusing.

Authors note:

Finally updated! Sorry it took forever I’ve been so busy with college. I’m sorry if this wasn’t a good chapter I had written the original one last night but it did not save :/ But I hope you like it! Please vote, comment, and follow. Thanks for reading! Next update will be soon.

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