Chapter Five

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WARNING: This chapter contains violence. I do not condone/approve/promote violence against women. Or anyone for that matter. This is strictly for my story only.

It felt like years passed before I finally turned my body to see the face of the killer. The women who killed her own sister.

“You looked shocked.” She said with a small sadistic smile playing on her lips. “Bailey never knew when to keep her mouth shut. And she so…SO oblivious to everything around her.” She said shaking her head and rolling her eyes. “She knew a lot without even knowing she knew what she did. I don’t feel bad.” She said with a shrug.

“Your own sister.” I said in disbelief then ran my fingers threw my hair. “What kind of person does that?” I asked looking at her and that’s when I started noticing the similarities between her and Bailey. She had the same eyes as her but the blue in her eyes where lighter and she had dirty blonde hair. They had the same nose and small frail appearance but unlike Bailey, this girl had some sort of crazed look in her eyes as opposed to Baileys scared, deer in the head light look.

“The kind of person that protects their pack. You would have done the same if someone was risking the lives of you pack members.” She said casually while looking at her nails. “I knew she was going to break while fighting. Shes so weak.” She added while shaking her head. “And god, so self fish. It doesn’t matter how you are being treated, your loyalty should always lie with your pack!” she said a little more loudly while attempting to  bang her hand down on the arm of her chair.

“So you knew what the men were going to do to her?” I asked clenching my jaw.

“Of course I knew. I suggested it!” she said while she started to laugh so hard tears were coming from her eyes.

I couldn’t take it anymore; the way she laughed about her dead sister, how she killed her, and how she planned to have her reaped made me sick to my stomach. I couldn’t hold it back any longer.

With my claws out and extended I slapped her straight across the face causing her to fall over sideways in her chair and hit her head on the cement. Without hesitating I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her upright again.

“Who organized that second attack?” I yelled in a demanding tone, I was out of patience at this point.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She said smiling and ignored the blood running down from her face.

Hitting her again with my closed fist she fell straight backwards this time, again hitting her head causing her to lose consciousness for a few moments. I looked over at the guards standing by the door and nodded my head curtly signaling them to get her up.

“Whats your name?” I asked turning my back to her and my attention towards the tray of neglected tools I had gotten out.

I heard her cough then spit out something. Hearing a small clink I knew that she was spitting out what used to be a tooth. “Ainsley.” She said in a low voice.

I picked up the pliers then turned back to her. “Well Ainsley, I tried the nice way to get you to talk so now its time to do it my way.” I said crossing my arms but making sure the pliers was in full view in my right hand under my left bicep. “I’ll ask you one more time. Who organized the second attack?” I asked glaring at her.

She finally looked up the quickly shook her head to the side to get her hair out of her face, then blew out some air to get the pieces that didn’t move. “Bite me.” she said looking at me and instead of the smirk I expected there was only a look of determination. This is going to take a while.

6 hours later

“Take the body back to the Blood Lust boarders and leave it there. I want Wyatt to see I’m not taking any more of his shit.” I said walking past them then heading back upstairs where Alpha Riley was there to greet me.

“What happened? Did she say anything useful?” he asked while he walked with me to the bathroom. The bathrooms here were like the ones you find in gyms, since we often have to get our hands dirty we like to clean up before leaving so we do not scare any of the members.

“She said a lot. The second attack wasn’t Wyatts ideas but he did agree to it. Someone saw me and Vicki together, they figured it out easily that we were mates.” I said pushing the door open and walked in.

“I knew it!” he said his voice was a mixture of feelings, he didn’t seem happy nor sad nor upset that his daughter was my mate. I chose to ignore him at this point because we had more serious issues an quite frankly, I didn’t want to discuss Vicki because it only made me want to be near her more.

“Ainsley, the girl, said that plan was to kill…” I paused closing my eyes and taking a deep breath before continuing. “The original plan was to kill Vicki because they knew that would destroy me. But she saw her sister and decided it was best to kill the person that was around the pack members and might have picked up useful information.  When asked why Wyatt wanted the property to himself she said that she didn’t know and that was one thing Wyatt would not discuss. She did, however, say that Wyatt was obsessed with whatever was here and wouldn’t stop until he had it.” I said while taking off my clothes and stepping into one of the showers.

“Do you have any idea of what they might be after?” Alpha Riley said while looking at me, doing his best to forget that fact that I’m standing naked in front of him.

“Only one thing but it doesn’t make sense.” I said grabbing the soap and begun to scrub my body. “My parents had a drug business. There could be hidden drugs on the property.” I said then rubbed my face. “But Wyatt never touched drugs.”

“That’s a surprise.” Alpha Riley scoffed. “Are you sure? Drug addicts will do anything if they’re desperate.” He added while rubbing the back of his neck.

“I’m sure. Me and Wyatt used to be friends.” I said sticking back head under the water briefly. “Best friends to be exact, up until we were ten. He may be a lot of things but a drug user is not one of them.” I said then shut off the water.

“Then what could it be?” he asked more to himself than me.

“I have no idea. But if Ainsley was telling the truth then we have a big problem on our hands.” I said grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist. I couldn’t deal with this right now, after all that has happened today all I wanted to do was go and see my beautiful mate.


I’m not updating until I get more votes and followers, it’s VERY  discouraging to see so many reads but not a lot of people following or voting, I work hard on it so I feel like I deserve at least that. Anyways, I have a new story up "The Alphas Runaway." Please comment and let me know what you think on it. Thanks for reading!

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