Chapter Three

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The way she felt tense against me made me wonder if she was nervous about being alone with me, the fight that just ended, or if it was a mixture of both.

I snaked my arm around her waist causing her to inhale a sharp breath then with my other hand I twirled a piece of stray hair around my finger that escaped from her bun, by this point her hair was getting yellow and turning brighter and brighter as each second passed.

“You have to let me know how and why this happens.” I mumbled against her ear and she just nodded slightly. “Come on, let’s get back to the pack house.” I said dropping my arm from her waist to grab her hand.

As I reached for her hand it was only met with air, confused I looked up and saw her walking towards an older man who was on the ground hovering over a dead body and sobbing uncontrollably.

“Doll, don’t let him grieve.” I said rushing up beside her to stop her but it was too late, she was already knelt down beside him with her hand on his shoulder.

“What’s his name?” she asked softly while looking from the dead young boy to the man who was crying over him. By this point her hair was an ocean blue color.

“Trevor, he was only sixteen.” He choked out while glancing over at my mate. “I didn’t even know he was out here, I told him to stay home with his mother and siblings!” he yelled hitting his fists on the ground then putting a hand over his face. “How am I going to tell Donna, his mother?” he asked looking desperately at my blue haired mate.

“Exactly what happened.” She stated then reached for the zipper on her fanny pack. “He died while fighting for his pack. He didn’t hide. He didn’t run away if he got scared. He died with honor and that is how you have to remember him and you have to realize that he was out here because he wanted to be, your son was brave.” She said smiling over at him before pulling out three necklaces with a round shape on them.

“My pack has a tradition. What we do is if a child dies in a fight we give them and each of their parents one of these necklaces.” She said carefully lifting the young man’s head up to slide it around his neck. “You see this one that he’s receiving has a cross on it, you can see the rays of the sun behind the cross coming from the clouds. It symbolizes that that’s where they went, to heaven. Of course not just a regular once but one for people like us and you know, I’m sure he’s up there now looking down at you and I know he wouldn’t want you to be sad. Am I right?”

“Yes.” He said nodding quickly. “He would probably say...” he started then wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “’You’re so lame dad, but I love you so stop crying before I start. We have to keep our manly appearance up.’” He said then laughed along with my mate.

“He sounds like he was a great kid.” She said then put the other two necklaces into his hands. “These are for the parents; they have the same look as the one given to Trevor but in the corner there’s a tiny house. See?” she said pointing to it. “That means you guys will always be his number one home. And legend has it sometimes people swear they see the house glowing and that means their loved ones are nearby.” She said looking over at him.

“Do you really believe that?” he asked sounding hopeful.

“I really do.” She finished with a warm, beautiful smile on her face then stood up. “Come on, they’ll be extra gentle with him I promise. Let’s get you back to your wife and kids okay?” she said hooking her arm through his then walked off.

“Alpha!” my Beta, Kevin, yelled at me from the top of the mountain. “Come on, we need you!” he said waving his arm in a motion to signal me to come.

“Coming!” I yelled then started running towards him. I’m sure everyone is just as scared as I am at this point.

Later that night.

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