Chapter Two

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“Mine. Mate.” My wolf said into my head numerous times and I fought the urge to go over to her, sweep her up in my arms, and take her somewhere to be alone. Now was not the time for this. As I looked over at her I was surprised to see she was looking back at me and her whole body was shaking, it was then I knew she was fighting with her wolf as well. It was also then when I realized her hair color had changed from the dark forest green to a light shade of pink and her eyes changed to match her hair.

“Alpha Riley what just happened? Her hair and eyes they just—“ I started staring at her in disbelief and she must of noticed my facial expression since her cheeks turned a shade of red; she was embarrassed.

“Well talk about that later son, we have a war at hands.” He said then started towards down the hill with the rest of our pack members and I reluctantly followed behind.

“Vicki hop in, I’m ready for some action!” I heard a man, he sounded young, yell behind me and as I looked back a large truck was pulled up beside my mate.

Vicki. It was beautiful just like her.

But wait, she can’t get in that car with another male wearing that! I was storming over there ready to pull her away from that male, take her in my arms, and show everyone who she belongs too but I was too late. She hopped in the back on the truck bed, strapped herself into some harness and the car jolted forward heading for battle. My eyes never left hers as the car was approaching my way. That’s when I witnessed firsthand her hair and eyes turning back to the forest green color they once were when I first saw them, he hair changed color starting from her roots spreading out to the ends and the middle of her eyes did the same until it reached the ends of her irises. It was fascinating to watch.

She smiled sadly at me as they zoomed by heading down the hill. Why was she sad, was she not happy she found me? There were a million thoughts crossing my mind but my name being called by Alpha Riley put me back into focus. Running down the hill I began shooting at the enemy pack; it was time for this to end now so there were no more warning shots and being nice. All I wanted to do was put an end to this and finally meet my perfect mate.

Victoria’s (Vicki) POV

I knew he was my mate before he even knew I existed, I’ve been sitting up in this damn tree for hours waiting for my father to give me the signal to come down and get the party started. Our pack was one of the biggest in the US; I think it as top five or something like that but we didn’t like to gloat. We weren’t any more special than anyone else’s pack and my father had reminded me of that since I came out the womb.

His glorious butt was the first that I had saw when my father and the Alpha took their places up near the top of the hill, it was just perfect and shapely and it was just screaming for me to squeeze it in my hands. Speaking of butts mine was starting to feel the effects of this uncomfortable tree branch digging in. The moment that made me stop feeling like a creep was when he turned his face over to the hill when my father gave the signal. God he was perfect, he had dark brown long shaggy hair that almost covered his ears, dark brown big eyes with think lashes outlining them, and big kissable lips. He was the poster child for a Calvin Klein model and not to mention he was tall; maybe 6’2? He would definitely make me feel like a midget. My gawking was distracted when I saw a hideous grey wolf running towards my mate with his mouth open, I didn’t hesitate one moment before sending an arrow his way. He won’t hurt my mate. Nobody will.

It was hard for me to show myself because I knew once he looked at me and realized what I am by my hair my fantasy of us having a happy ending would be short lived. Everyone thought it was cool that my hair and eyes changed color depending on my mood but we all know it just made me more of a freak. Who would want someone who literally displayed their emotions so publically?

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