Chapter two

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Sam groaned as he woke up to Papyrus yelling at him to get downstairs.
Sans got up and looked for his jacket.
"What the fuck did I-"
Then he heard it.
"HUMAN HOW DARE YOU TAKE THAT FROM SANS!!" And then a cry of pain can after that.
Sans gulped and ran downstairs and outside.
The shed door was open and he ran to it. He saw Papyrus beating (Y/N) up and holding his jacket.
"Paps I gave her my jacket." Sans said.
Papyrus spun around and looked at Sans shocked "Why?!" He said.
Sans shrugged "She was shivering and it was annoying as hell."
Papyrus growled and threw the jacket back at (Y/N).
She barely moved and just weakly hugged herself.
Sans sighed slightly annoyed. Why was Papyrus beating the living crap out of (Y/N).
Sans sat down in front of her and studied her. It wasn't until that moment that he realized she was crying. Soft sobs came from her mouth and her shoulders were moving up and down.
"Stop crying and sit up." He commanded.
(Y/N) sniffed and sat up slowly.
Sans almost flinched when he saw her face. It was two times worse than last night. She had multiple cuts and bruises and her right eye was swollen.
"What did he let the hounds out on ya?" Sans asked with a chuckle.
(Y/N) didn't say anything and leaned back on the wall.
Sans sighed and took a healing item out from his pocket "Eat this."
(Y/N) took it and ate it as she thanked him.
Sans chuckled as he watched her eat it quickly.
"Your acting like you haven't eaten in months kid."
(Y/N) didn't say anything and looked away.
Sans rose an 'eyebrow' "when was the last time you ate?" He asked.
(Y/N) shrugged "D does dirt count as food?" She asked.
Sans eyes widened a bit "D don't do that."
"D do what?" She asked confused.
"Try to make me feel fucking guilty. I will never feel anything towards you."
"I didn't expect you to." She said quietly.
Sans watched as she curled up and held her stomach.
Sans looked over and saw a stab wound from one of the many holes in her shirt.
"He really did a number on you huh?"
(Y/N) closed her eyes and sighed softly in response.
Sans pulled out another healing item and handed it to her only for her to shake her head.
"Eat it before you fucking die you cunt."
(Y/N) flinched at the name and took it eating it quickly.
Sans watched her with plan eyes but on the inside he felt something strange. He wanted to hug her to give her some sort of comfort.
"Tell me what happened on the surface." He said.
(Y/N) looked at him kinda shocked he would demand such thing.
"M my family t they just a always hated me. My p parents always m made sure I k knew I was a a mistake a and S shouldn't be alive. They w would b beat me f for nothing for entertainment A and then t they t told people a at my school t that I'm n mentally insane A and can't be trusted S so the teachers couldn't h help me and t the kids hated m me. Ive A always tried to b be kind to people a and give them r reasons t to live b but..." she didn't finish.
She buried her head in between her knees and cried softly.
Sans watched this all happen and felt guilty for her.
He got up and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey d don't cry kid. You left that all behind." He said trying not to sound like he cared.
(Y/N) sniffed and picked her head up.
Sans studied her face. The first time he saw her there were no marks on her face. He tried to imagine what she would look like smiling but he couldn't. He took his hand off her shoulder and sighed.
(Y/N) curled into a ball and laid on the ground.
Before Sans could do anything the door slammed open. Papyrus pushed Sans aside followed by Alphys.
"GET UP YOU WORTHLESS HUMAN!" Papyrus yelled at her.
When (Y/N) didn't move Papyrus grabbed his whip and started whipping them.
"Hurting her more than she already is won't get her to get up." Sans said from the side of the room.
Papyrus ignored him and forced (Y/N) to sit up.
Alphys bent down to her level and forced her soul to come out.
Sans flinched when he saw it. It was (S/C) but it had so many cracks and bruises on it it was a wonder it was still beating.
Sans watched as Alphys pulled out a needle and slam it into (Y/N)'s soul.
(Y/N) screamed in pain only to get slapped by Papyrus.
Sans watched from the side of the room. He wanted so badly and push Alphys away from her and take (Y/N) far away where no one could hurt her. Alphys ripped the needle out and shoved another one back in. This time (Y/N) kept her cries in.
"How much more do you need?" Sans asked.
"Why the hell do you care?" Alphys hissed.
Sans came up with a quick lie "I'm tired of hearing this shit that's why."
Alphys rolled her eyes and ripped the needle out.
Papyrus kicked (Y/N)'a body before walking out with Alphys.
As (Y/N) fell to the floor Sans shut the door and sat in front on her.
He listened to her soft cries as she hugged herself gently.
Sans sighed and pulled her so she was leaning on him. He noticed how fast her body was moving and how cold her skin was.
She let out a small cough and closed her eyes.
"You humans are so weak." He said.
She didn't say anything back like Sans had expected.
He sighed and wrapped his arm around her trying to give her some warmth.
(Y/N) blushed but hid her face in the fur of his jacket.
He held her like that until she fell asleep but even then he kept his arm wrapped around her and laid her down in his lap.
"Fuck kid what did you get me into." He whispered as he watched her sleep.

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