Chapter one

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Sans sighed out of boredom as he sat at his post. What the hell was the point in doing this is a human was never going to come? He started to fall asleep when he felt a hand slap him hard.
Sans groaned "Paps there hasn't been a human here for years what makes you think there will be one now?"
Papyrus was about to slap Sans again when they heard something from a near by bush along with a sneeze.
The brothers looked at each other shared a evil smirk.
Sans got up and went over to the bush. He slammed his hand in and pulled a human out. She yelped and looked at Sans and Papyrus terrified out of her mind.
Papyrus smirked and took the human from them "HUMAN I AM THE GREAT AND TERRIFYING PAPYRUS! PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOME!"
The human shook like crazy from fear and the cold. Their clothes her ripped and small marking could be seen on there skin. Sans was paying attention to that and looked in the humans eyes. They had a look of fear and sadness in them. Begging someone to help them.
Sans dropped his smirk and frowned. Those eyes looked familiar to him...
"SANS ATTACK THE HUMAN!" Papyrus yelled.
The human looked at Sans with their pleading eyes.
Sans looked away as fast as possible "You do it Paps." He mumbled.
Papyrus growled and shot bones threw the human. They screamed in pain and collapsed on the floor hugging themselves.
Sans winced at their screams "Alright Paps that's enough." Sans said harshly.
Papyrus ignored him and shot more bones at them, but was stopped by some of Sans bones.
"I said that's enough!" Sans said louder.
Papyrus sent Sans a death glare "You can bring the human home. And if you even so DARE to lose it you will be punished!" And with that he stormed off.
Sans sighed and walked over to them "Get up." He commanded.
The human nodded and stood up slowly and weakly. Blood covered there face and most of there clothes.
Sans looked away as soon as he saw this. He pulled out a collar to put on them but was shocked to see that they already had one on.
"Where did you get that collar from?" Sans asked trying not to sound like he cared.
"Doesn't matter.." they mumbled.
Sans growled and grabbed their wrist roughly "Tell me now or I swear I'll kill you."
The human whimpered in pain "m my parents.."they said.
Sans had a shocked look on his face but hid it quickly.
He took off the collar that they worse and put on the new one. He made sure it wasn't to tight so they could still breath.
"Follow me and if you try to run away I'll kill you." He commanded.
The human followed him which shocked Sans. He expected them to at least try to run away.
"What's your name kid?" He asked them trying to sound scary.
"(Y/N)." They said quietly.
"Speak up I can't hear you!" He yelled at them.
The human winced and put her head down "(Y/N)." They said a bit louder.
Sans just nodded.
When they got to the house Papyrus was outside waiting.
"HUMAN YOU WILL BE PUT IN THE SHED!" He yelled and with that he grabbed her roughy and threw her in.
Sans winced as he heard her cry out a bit. He walked over to see Papyrus holding a whip and standing in front of her.
"DON'T YOU DARE MAKE THAT SOUND!" He yelled and whipped her.
She held their body and cried silently.
Sans gulped and was forced to watch as this all happened.
After the tenth time the whip hid them Sans stepped in.
"Don't hurt them to bad Paps we want them in good condition for the king." Sans said.
Papyrus growled "I SUPPOSE YOUR RIGHT!" He set the whip on the counter and tightened the collar.
She breathed quickly but didn't dare pull at the collar.
'It's like they know how to act as a pet not to get in trouble...' sans thought to himself.
As soon as Papyrus left Sans walked over and loosened the collar.
He watched as she coughed and gasped for air.
"Alright (Y/N) I'm gonna ask you a few questions." He said.
(Y/N) nodded and looked up at him while shivering.
"First of all why are you shaking?" He asked.
"I I'm c cold a and k kinda scared." She said.
Sans rolled his eyes and took his jacket off and put it on her as he mumbled "pathetic humans."
(Y/N) smiled a bit and slipped into the big jacket.
"Second why did you come down here?"
(Y/N) didn't say anything and looked away.
"Tell me." Sans growled.
Although he already knew the answer he wanted to hear it from her himself.
"I w wanted t to die..." she said quietly.
Sans watched as tears formed in their eyes and fell down her cheeks.
"Hey now don't give me those teas. Why did ya want to die eh?" He asked.
"I d don't h have any friends n no one loves me. D didn't really see a point in l living if n no one loves y you..."
sans gulped quietly. This human that sat in front of them reminded him a lot like himself. But he wasn't about to show that he cared about her.
"Well don't expect to find anyone that's gonna love ya down here pet."
(Y/N) winced at the name but nodded "I won't."
Sans growled "I didn't tell you to fucking speak!" He yelled.
Sans expected her to talk back or do something to defend themselves but instead she just nodded and said "Yes master."
Sans surprised himself. The normal sans would have grinned and been happy with this but not now. He felt bad? No he couldn't!
"Don't fucking call me that." He mumbled.
(Y/N) just nodded again.
Sans sighed and got up "Just don't do anything that will piss Paps off and you should live until we take your soul."
Once again (Y/N) just nodded and looked down.
Sans got up and walked out locking the door from the outside.
He sighed and shook his head "What the hell is wrong with me?"

Lost in you UF Sans X Abused/depressed/sucidal readerWhere stories live. Discover now