Chapter five

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"Sans please?"
"No! There's no way I'm letting you put your life at risk like that!"
(Y/N) sighed. She had come up with a plan to talk to the other human and She wanted to do it but Sans wouldn't let her.
"I won't get hurt I promise."
Sans shook his head "Will you take healing items with you?"
(Y/N) smiled and hugged him "Of course I will."
Sans sighed and hugged back "You better not get hurt." He looked at her and pecked her lips and hugged her again "Be safe."
(Y/N) let go "I won't get hurt."
"If your not back in an hour I'm going to come look for you."
(Y/N) nodded and ran out the door followed with Sans's worried look.
Sans sat on his bed worried.
He only lasted five minutes before he ran out the door after her. He looked around for her and called her name.
He walked to all the way to waterfalls before stopping dead.
He saw (Y/N) laying on the ground covered in blood not moving.
He ran over and put her on his lap.
"(Y/N)?!" He  cried. He force fed her some of the healing items.
When nothing changed he started crying. Red tears spilled out of his eyes.
He put his head on her chest and sobbed quietly.
"Y you can't l leave me....don't y you dare leave me!"
He kept force feeding her until her HP went up to one.
Sans eyes widened and kept feeding them to her.
(Y/N) coughed lightly.
"S sans" she said weakly.
"Babe!" He yelled out as tears spilled out of his eyes.
(Y/N) smiled weakly and stroked his cheek "h hey d don't cry.."
"Don't cry?! You you nearly died!" He yelled.
(Y/N) flinched a bit and moved back only for Sans to pull her closer and hugs her tightly.
(Y/N) hugged back and buried her face into his shoulder.
"We're going to go home and you are never going to try anything like that again understand?" He said while looking her dead in the eyes.
She sighed and nodded.
Sans cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her as he teleported them back.
(Y/N) held onto him and kissed back gently.
When they got back to his room Sans pulled back and dragged her to the washroom.
"Take your clothes off." He said.
(Y/N)'s face went bright red but did as she was told.
"Look at what that cunt did to you." He growled as he looked at the stab wounds.
She blushed more as his eyes landed on the stab on her chest.
Sans didn't think much about it and was to busy worrying about the stabs. He took her wrist and pulled her into the shower.
He made her sit down as he filled the tub up with water.
"I'm going to go put your clothes in the wash." He said before leaving.
(Y/N) sat there and leaned back agents the wall. The stabs hurt like hell and all she wanted was the pain to go away.
She closed her eyes and sighed quietly.
She heard footsteps walk into the washroom. Before she knew it she was pushed forward a bit and felt something go behind her.
(Y/N) looked behind her and blushed darkly.
Sans was sitting in the bath with her.
He wrapped his arms around her and pulled and back.
"You just hold still." He said,
(Y/N) nodded and closed her eyes.
Sans got some soap and gently scrubbed it on her. He looked sadly at all the marks that were on here from before the attack.
'If I ever see the people who hurt her I'll kill them.' He thought to himself.
He saw as she flinched slightly when he washed the stabs.
"Sorry." He said quietly as he kissed her head.
(Y/N) sighed softly in response and opened her eyes slightly.
Sans looked into her (E/C) eyes and melted. She was a diamond in his eyes. So precious and so easy to brake. He wouldn't let anything or anyone brake his diamond.
When he finished washing her he gently picked her up and wrapped her in the softest towel he could fine. Than he took her to his room and sat her on his bed.
"Don't move alright?" He said.
She simply nodded and he went over to the washroom. He got bandages that he could use to wrap around the wounds. He went back to his room and wrapped her stomach and chest.
He blushed lightly as a small sound escaped her mouth as he wrapped her chest. After he finished he brushed her hair and dried her off. He than made her lay down and covered her in blankets.
"You need to rest." He said.
"Will you stay with me?" She asked with begging eyes.
"Well of course I'm staying with you you idiot." He said.
He laid beside her and wrapped his arms gently around her.
She snuggled close to him and yawned before falling asleep. After a few minutes of watching her sleep Sans decided to call it a night.
"Goodnight my diamond." He whispered softly before falling asleep.

//sorry I haven't updated I had writers block.

Lost in you UF Sans X Abused/depressed/sucidal readerWhere stories live. Discover now