Chapter seven

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Sans bolted up. His eye glowed red and he looked at his door.
(Y/N) grabbed his sleeve to stop him from doing what she thought he would do. He looked at her with sad eyes.
She looked back at him with pleading eyes. Begging him not to go.
He sighed and kissed her head gently before getting up and walking out the door.
Sans woke up to crying. He looked down at the beautiful girl in his arms. Her tears were stained by tears and soft sobs came from her mouth.
"W why d did y you k kill them a all?" She mumbled "w why did you k kill Sans?"
Sans woke her up immediately.
"(Y/N) wake up! I'm ok!" He said.
As soon as her eyes opened, and she saw him she hugged him tightly.
He sighed and hugged back as she cried into his shoulder.
"It's ok (Y/N) your ok. It was just a dream."
(Y/N) nodded and kept softly crying into his shoulder.
"Wanna talk about it?" Sans asked.
She shook her head and curled up a bit.
Sans sighed as he watched her fall back to sleep. He knew he had to do something about that genocide human. (Y/N) had been having nightmares about them since she saw them. He gently let her go and teleported outside. Last he heard they were in waterfalls. He was going to out an end to it. It didn't take long to find them. They were covered in dust and blood.
"Human don't you know how to greet a new friend. Why don't you turn around so I can put you in hell." Sans growled the last part.
They looked at him and laughed.
"Oh that's hilarious. You think YOU can defeat me?" They said in a demonic voice.
Sans summoned his attacks "Wanna try me?"
"Oh no I couldn't possibly. That would be braking the rules. I have to kill everyone before I can fight you. And that includes that little human of yours."
Sans eyes flowed brighter "YOU WILL NOT LAY A FUCKING HAND ON HER!" He yelled at them.
They just laughed "Oh don't you know? Love is weakness Sans. Isn't that what everyone has been trying to tell you? If you keep protecting that human you will die."
Before Sans could say anything else the human disappeared.
End of flashback~

Here he was again. Standing in front of the killer.
"Oh Sansy if you want to fight me your going to have to let me kill your human first." They said in a fake sweet voice.
Sans growled and make blasters appeared.
"Over my dead body." He growled.
"You still haven't learned your lesson? I was trying to help you. I always enjoy when a fight is a little difficult. Love is weakness Sans."
Sans growled "No it's fucking not."
"Oh and how so? Does your soul feel so nice around your human?"
"She gives me determination to kill you so I can protect her." He growled.
Before the human could respond Sans sent bones at them.
They just barley dodged and landed on the floor across the room.
The human growled and lunged themselves at Sans, who just barely dodged their attacks.
(Y/N) secretly watched from a dark corner from the top of the stairs.
She saw that Sans was getting tired.
She silently got up, ready to protect him like he had protected him.
When the human went to stab Sans in his weak state (Y/N) jumped in between them, getting stabbed instead.
"NO!" Sans screamed as he saw what happened.
The human laughed as she fell back into Sans's arms.
"I'll see you in the judgment hall Sansy." They said as they walked out.
Sans sobbed as he watched her HP get lower and lower by the second.
He was out of healing items and his healing magic did nothing.
"T thank y you f for pr protecting me S Sans. N now I g got to protect you. I l love you." She said with her final breath.
Sans screamed out and kept crying.
The pain was to much for him.
The person he loved and cared about and got love and care back from was dead!
"THAT FUCKING HUMAN WILL PAY!" He screamed loudly as he sobbed.
Sans picked up her body and walked to the place where they first met.
He sobbed as he set her in the hole and buried her in golden flowers.
He carved her birthday into a stone and set in at the top of her grave.
He sobbed at the foot of her grave not being able to think of anything but how he would get his revenge on that human for killing his sweet sweet (Y/N).
Sans dragged himself back home and into his room.
On his bed he saw something.
It was a book.
He opened it and was shocked to see that it was a scrap book of him and (Y/N).
He flipped threw it, realizing that she must have used his old camera.
In every picture they were both smiling.
His favourite one was the one where he was sleeping and (Y/N) was snuggled into his chest.
Sans let out a small sob and wiped his tears.
"I will find a way to bring you back (Y/N). I promise. Even if it takes forever I will get back to you and we will be together again." He said to himself.
He got up and headed for the judgment hall.

Lost in you UF Sans X Abused/depressed/sucidal readerWhere stories live. Discover now