Chapter eight

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Sans leaned agents a pillar and waited for the human. He took the picture of him and (Y/N) out of his pocket. He looked at it and saw their smiling faces.
Why did it have to be ripped away from him? What did (Y/N) do to deserve to a killed? Wasn't what happened to her before she came into the underground bad enough?! Sure some of the same shit happened to Sans but at least (Y/N) didn't take her anger out on others! But isn't that worse? Cause instead she let it out on herself!
Sans sighed. Sure he's done bad things but bad enough to watch his innocent girlfriend be killed in front of him?! He sighed and put the picture back in his pocket for safe keeping.
He locked his eyes in the ground. He couldn't get the scene of (Y/N) jumping in front of him and getting stabbed out of his head. It hunted and dare he say scarred him for life.
All he wanted was to go home and cuddle her close to his chest and keep her safe and warm.
But right now that wasn't an option. His options were fight this human and beat them or fight this human and die.
Either way turning back wasn't an option.
He heard footsteps and immediately looked up.
It was them.
Their eyes were pure black and they wore a creepy smile.
Sans chuckled "I'm going to have a great time." Was all he said before he sent attacks after them.
The human easily dodged each one, like they had done it before.
Sans started to think outside the box with his attacks which caused the human to lose some of their HP.
He started to shoot from behind them more and did attacks that took a lot of energy.
With their attacks Sans easily dodged their attacks, but than started wondering if he should just let them hit him.
Than he would be with his precious (Y/N) again.
No he couldn't do that. She wouldn't want him to.
After a few hours of fighting Sans had them pinned to a wall with bones.
They growled at him and tried to get free.
Sans walked to them "Ya know I wondered how you were able to dodge my attacks so easily but that's when I realized that you must have fought some other me's. But there is something you should know. Yes all the other me's lost something but you took away not just my brother but my girlfriend to, which as you should know just adds to the determination I have to fucking kill you."
They started laughing like a maniac "But don't you know what will happen with a reset? I'll just come back! I'll kill everyone including your precious ugly girlfriend!"
Sam's growled "Oh no you won't. Let's just say on the walk here I talked to a 'friend' of mine."
Suddenly the human started being glitchy.
"W WhaTS HaPPennIng tO ME?!" They yelled out.
Sans smirked "Well isn't it obvious? Your being deleted and the world is resting."
Sans closed his eyes and sighed "Thanks Error." He mumbled.
Sure he hated resets but this time he was happy. He was getting his diamond back.
The last thing he heard was the humans screams.


Sans woke up to his brothers yelling.
He bolted up and looked around.
Everything reset.
He got up and ran out the door to his station. Papyrus watched him in complete shock as Sans managed to run faster than him.
Sans was on a mission though. Mission get (Y/N) and never let her go.
He ran towards the ruins doors and stopped dead in his tracks.
In front of him stood a girl in a (f/c) sweater and (f/c) pants looking down.
"(Y-y/n)?" Sans said threw tears.
She looked up at him, and for a split second Sans thought she had forgotten him.
But that's when she jumped towards him and hugged him tightly.
Her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck as she sobbed quietly into his shoulder.
Sans wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close while falling on the ground.
He buried his face into her neck and cried.
"N-never ever EVER do that again!" Sans said threw tears.
(Y/N) didn't say anything and just clung to Sans while crying making only noise when she gasped for air.
Sans picked them up and teleported them to his room, not giving damn of Papyrus would get mad and yell at him.
All he wanted to do right now was spend time with his beautiful diamond.

Lost in you UF Sans X Abused/depressed/sucidal readerWhere stories live. Discover now