Chaptet three

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Sans started opening his eyes and groaned quietly. He was confused until he saw her.
She was still curled up and sleeping in his lap like a cat. At first he thought she was dead but then just realized she was taking small breaths.
He smiled  and stroked her hair gently.
'So soft.' He thought to himself.
Then he realized something he hasn't done in a long time. He was smiling. It wasn't a cruel smiled or a joking smiled either. It was a smile of happiness. He was actually happy?
'No I can't be happy. Happiness is weakness.' Sans told himself.
But despite all the reasons he couldn't be happy he couldn't deny it.
He sighed and looked away from (Y/N). He knew this couldn't happen anymore. They would both be killed if it did. He had to act like he hated her.
He sighed quietly and laid her on the ground and took his jacket.
"Sorry kid.." he mumbled.
He walked towards the door but than heard Papyrus talking.
Sans peeked out of the door and saw that Papyrus was talking on the phone.
Sans gulped. This was her last day alive and than it's war...
'No I I can't let this happen. I won't let her die.' Sans thought to himself. He looked back at (Y/N) who was just starting to wake up.
"Alright Paps!" He called back.
Sans looked back at (Y/N) who was now sitting up leaning on the wall.
"Hi Sans." She said quietly.
If it had not been for the fact that Papyrus was planning on turning her in tomorrow Sans would have said something about her not stuttering.
"Hey kid you have to trust me ok?" He said.
(Y/N) hesitated. Sure Sans had been decent and even nice with her lately but how did she know this wasn't a trick? She looked into his eyes and could tell that he was telling the truth.
She nodded "Alright."
Sans grabbed her wrist and teleported them to his room.
He then let go of her wrist and went to his closet. He pulled out a key and unlocked it and opened it.
(Y/N) peeked inside and realized that it was a mini lab.
Before she could ask what it was Sans started talking.
"Rule one you won't ask any questions two when Paps is home you can only either whisper or mouth words and three do not no matter what unless I tell you to, touch anything. Got it?" He said sharply.
(Y/N) nodded and did something that put Sans into shock.
She hugged him.
"Thank you Sans." She said.
"Uh don't mention it kid." He said awkwardly hugging back gently.
When Sans pulled away he got a blanket and pillow from under his bed and set it up in the closet. He then lead her in there and tied her leash up to a pole near by the small bed he made her.
"Right now you can talk since Paps isn't home."
(Y/N) nodded and blushed as her stomach growled.
"Hungry kid?" He asked her.
(Y/N) nodded.
"Hope you like spaghetti." Sans went to the kitchen and got two plates spaghetti and walked back to his room.
When he got back he saw something with (Y/N). When he got a closer look he saw it was Annoying Dog.
It was on top of (Y/N) and growled at her.
Sans put the plates down and picked the dog up before throwing it out the window.
"Stupid dog." He mumbled.
That's when he heard it.
He turned to face (Y/N) to see her smiling and laughing a bit.
Her smiled was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.
He looked away and handed her her spaghetti.
"It's not that great but it's better than nothing."
(Y/N) said a quick thanks and started eating it quickly.
Sans watched as she practically inhaled her food.
"Hungry?" He asked with a small chuckle.
(Y/N) nodded as she finished her food.
"Thanks." She said as she wiped the sauce from around her mouth.
Sans just shrugged and ate his slowly.
"Do you want me to wash the dishes?" She asked.
Sans shook his head "Are you crazy or do you just want to get caught?" He said harshly.
He didn't mean to say it harshly but the look (Y/N) had made him feel a sick feeling in his stomach. He took their plates to the kitchen and washed them lazily. When he got back up he saw her writing in a small notebook.
"Whatcha writing kid?" He asked as he sat in front of her.
She just shrugged and closed her book.
Sans debated weather to grab it and read it but decided agents it.
He had just started earning her trust and he didn't want to brake it.
"Sans?" She said quietly.
"What is it kid?" He asked.
"Why are you helping me."
Sans thought for a minute. Why WAS he helping her?
"I told you no questions." He said.
(Y/N) sighed and sat back while holding her arms.
Sans grabbed her arm and looked at it.
Cuts and bruises covered it completely to the point where it didn't even look like the arm belonged to a human.
"Who did this to you?" He asked.
When she didn't answer sans looked up at her "Who?" He asked again.
(Y/N) sighed realizing there was no way out of this "Some is from my parents and some are from the fall down here and the rest..."
Sans didn't need her to finish. He understood. He put his hand over her arm and started to heal them.
She watched in amazement and Sans couldn't help but grin a bit.
For once he was actually impressing someone with something he did.
He did it with her other arm and sighed when he was done.
"Rule number four no hurting yourself got it?"
(Y/N) nodded and sat back again while yawning.
"Tired?" He asked her while chuckling "Your just as lazy as I am."
She didn't respond and laid in the little bed he made for her.
"Hey if you want I can-" but before he could even finish she was fast asleep. Sans chuckled and got up waking out of the closet.
He locked the door and hid the key in his almost empty sock drawer. He than climbed into his bed and fell into a deep slumber.

Lost in you UF Sans X Abused/depressed/sucidal readerWhere stories live. Discover now