Chapter 10- Light In The Dark

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Embersoar flew through the muggy air, partly enjoying the wet breeze flow softly through her pelt. She watched the dark, soggy ground pass below her, and recited some of the warriors names she had learned.
And here we see change in a character over time. I'm not gonna lie that was a good move, past Swagpi.





And- A glowing silver cat? That couldn't be right!
Enter: SkyPride cat

Embersoar circled the bright blip moving slowly towards the heart of Lavapride.

This can't be a Lavapride cat! Embersoar thought, bewildered. This must be a Skypride cat!
No crap

Embersoar knew what Thornstar would say... Kill it! Kill it without mercy! But, Embersoar was far too curious to recite the many death blows she had been taught.
I thought you were "evil" now?

Embersoar circled lower and lower like a hawk, until she landed as silently as the wind in a thorny mystery-bush.
And the she-cat fails to notice the whole thing. Oh dear.

The cat was mewing anxiously to herself.

"It's okay... just gotta find Skypride... I can't be here..."
Oh hello

Embersoar padded curiously out from the bushes.

"What are you doing here?"
Great idea. Just confront the panicking cat.

"AHHH!" The silver cat shrieked in distress and backed away. "A real Lavapride cat! Please don't hurt me..."
Woah chill m8

"I'm not going to hurt you!" Embersoar meowed. "Calm down!"
You're not...?

"I- I..." The cat broke into tears. "I died! I think... a- and I ended up here! Wha- what did I do wrong? Where's Skypride?"
You took that mouse I was saving on the fresh kill pile, didn't you? Crap I knew it

Tears were rolling down the silver cat's narrow face as she struggled to calm down. She was a bright silver she-cat with silver eyes, and a soft voice.
Cats can't cry but I'll give me a pass since I knew it at the time and made an excuse for fantasy.

"Deep breaths..." Embersoar meowed, resting her tail on the cat's shoulder in a comforting fashion. "What is your name?"
A whole new side of Embers. How many personalities does she have???

"I- I'm Silverteeth..." The cat meowed, her soft voice shaking.
O hey frien

Good, I think she's calming down...
So u can kill her while she's off guard right

Embersoar tensed as she heard a soft swish in the bushes and a familiar smell hit her nose.
Ah. The dreadful swish. You better run

"Silverteeth, run." Embersoar hissed.


Thornstar leaped from the bushes, jaws open to close around Silverteeth's throat.

Embersoar threw herself in front of her.
What happened to "being evil"?

"The opposite way you came! Run! Now!"

Embersoar felt Thornstar's claws rip her ear in an agonizing pain.
Rip Ember's ear (lItErAlLy)

Blood sprayed across Thornstar's face as he straightened up, ready to run after the silver she-cat. Embersoar growled and slashed her claws across his leg. Thornstar howled in pain, doubling back on her to swipe his claws across her face. Embersoar dodged easily, and caught his paw in the air with her teeth.

This is one I learned from Finchspots!
Embers no-

Embersoar bit down. Hard.

Thornstar screamed in agony and lashed at her hind leg with his other paw, tripping her. That only made things worse for Thornstar.

Embersoar pulled down his paw with her and blood sprayed into her eyes. Thornstar fell to the ground squealing in agony. (Heh) Embersoar shook the warm blood from her eyes and stared, confused at why he was writhing on the ground while she still had his paw...
O h

Embersoar screamed and dropped what furry thing was in her mouth. She then stared in shock at what was laying at the ground at her paws. She had torn his toe off!
Play of the game: Embers with amputation!

Well, at least he can't run after Silverteeth... Silverteeth!
Do you have a crush on her now too?

What if she ran into some other Lavapride cat in her desperate scramble to Skypride?
Actually that is a concern. Good job, Embers. You've reached a whole new level of thinking.

Embersoar took to the air, searching for her. Somehow, she could smell her scent from up there.
Mary-Sue powers activate

Embersoar flew and flew, until she reached the Skypride border.

Embersoar stopped instantly, afraid of touching the blinding light.
Honestly me

I'm evil... Embersoar thought. I should've killed her when I had the chance...

But, deep in her heart, she knew that she wouldn't.
What a surprise.

She couldn't.

But, Embersoar thought. I probably should have...
Considering you now have a giant lynx-cat fixed on murder hunting you down now, yeah probably.

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