Chapter 3- Savior

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Silverteeth showed no hesitation as she leapt through the hole in the ground. She was falling through the sky, her silver pelt had now turned to light and stardust. Her large pupil-less eyes glowed like twin suns.

She flew softly to the burial mound, one paw outstretched to wake the 'Living'. Her voice came in a whisper, coming from every direction...
Hey you're suffocating. You should like, wake up or something.

~~~*Leafshine's POV*~~~

Leafshine stared into the void, her brain unable to think. How long had she been in this state? Was she dead? No time passed... No feelings came... Just purple and black. Purple and black and...
If you're unable to think, what's with the questions? Also wtf

Then a brilliant flash of light erupted from the very center of the void and she could see a cat made of star dust reaching for her...
"Wake up, 'Living'... Save the Prides... Defeat the 'Dark'...
Surprise, boi

Leafshine's eyes snapped open and she took a huge breath in... but she couldn't.
Oh yeah I'm dying

Leafshine began to choke. She couldn't see, either! She felt the familiar gross taste of rich dirt on her tongue. She was buried alive!
Honestly I can't see anyone surviving this without help. OH WAIT

She could still see the reaching stardust cat, it's brilliant eyes widening in panic. It still reached for her though, and she could almost reach her...
Y'know that one painting in the Sistine chapel? The Creation of Adam where they're reaching for eachother? I can't help but picture that.

Leafshine began to fight the dirt, her lungs screaming desperately for air. Her paw was still not close enough! She inched closer, black beginning to form at the edge of her vision. She couldn't make it! Black spots erupted in front of her eyes as her body was going limp.
Not even worried tbh

Suddenly, a freezing sensation touched the tip of her paw and the darkness around her flew everywhere. Earth sprayed everywhere as Leafshine coughed out dirt and gulped in air. She fiercely rubbed her stinging eyes and sneezed, clearing her nose.
See look she's Leafshine the magical

She glanced up over the hole she was in to see the stardust cat who was staring at her.

Yes- wait you didn't know???

It then faded, the only trace of it's appearance embedded in Leafshine's memory.
Did I know the cat? Realization struck Leafshine as she remembered. Could it be...?
Leafshine not knowing Silver was the 'Light', sure. But Silverteeth not knowing who the 'Living' was?? She's in StarClan And can see all.

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