Chapter 2

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"Okay, so I'm just gonna be gone for a bit. I'm gonna go get Freddie and come back and then we can go party!" Louis says, rolling the window back up and speeding off.

I sigh and dig my keys out of my pocket, opening the door to my brother's house and walking in first.

"The guest rooms are ready and there's plenty of food in the fridge. The game's on and the game room just got redone and has" I tell them, shrugging some.

The boys made their way to their rooms and I make my way to the living room, plopping down on the couch.

I scroll through Twitter and see that I've gotten a bunch of likes and comments on the video of everyone singing to me and I scroll through the comments, liking a few sweet ones and rolling my eyes at the hate.

"You know, rolling your eyes isn't very cute." a voice says.

I look up and find Niall standing there, grinning.

"Yeah, well neither is that little mustache you're growing out." I joke, grinning.

Niall gasps in mock horror and sits next to me, blinking. "I'm shook." he whispers, rubbing the small hairs over his lip.

I laugh and move his hand away, touching them softly. "It just looks funny." I say.

"So, you two are like, a thing?" another voice asks.

We look up at see Harry with his eyebrows raised.

"Uh, no. No, we're not.  Just friends." Niall says, chuckling a bit.

I nod and look at Harry.

He sits next to me, a little too close, and grabs the remote off of the coffee table, flipping through the channels until Ridiculousness comes on and he sits back.

Liam comes out of his room on the second floor and hollers over the balcony. "Guys, let's play some Twister!"

We all jump up and rush to the game room, pushing each other and laughing.

Once we got in there, Liam was pulling the game out from the shelf and opening the box.

Niall went over to help set up and Harry and I were taking off our shoes. "I haven't played this game in a long time." he says, looking over at me.

I nod, smiling. "Yeah, it's been years."

Harry smiles at me and I watch his muscles flex through his shirt and see his tattoos.

When he catches me looking, I quickly look away and blush, walking to the mat.

"So, who's going to play and who's spinning?" Niall asks.

"I'll spin first and play the winner?" Liam suggests.

We all nod and I stand at the short end of the mat while Niall and Harry stand on the other sides.

Liam sits in the gaming chair in the corner and looks at all of us. "Ready? Niall goes first, then Birdie, then Harry. Got it?"

Everyone nods and Liam flicks the spinner. "Right foot green, blondie."

I chuckle and Niall groans, moving over.

I hear the spinner going again. "Birdie, left foot red."

Moving over, I give a little wave to Niall as I step on the color.

"Right hand red, Harry."

Harry moved next to me and bent down, touching the red and looking up at me, winking.

We continued to play until Louis came in holding Freddie. "What the bloody hell is this?" he demands.

I blink and take in how we all look.

I was doing a bridge, my hands on red and green, same as my feet. Niall was standing with his feet on red and green by my head, with his hand on yellow, bent over me a bit. Harry's feet were on red and green an hand was on blue and he was leaning over me, his breath fanning my neck and chest, making me shiver.

"Oh, um. We're playing Twister. And..I just now realized how this looks and I think we're done." I say.

"Yup." I hear Niall and Harry say in unison and move away.

I let my body fall and let out a groan, closing my eyes. "Oh, God. That was painful." I tell Louis as he walks over to me.

Harry offers me a hand and I take it, smiling at him. "Thanks."

He nods and pats my shoulder, then turns to Niall and Liam and helps put the game up.

"Well, it seems like you finally got...closer to the boys." Louis says, grinning.

I groan and shake my head. "God no, I didn't even notice it. Liam was about to start tickling me right before you walked in, so, technically, you saved me." I tell him.

Louis smiles and kisses my cheek. "I'll always save you. You're my sister." he says.

I grimace and take the giggling Freddie and smile, kissing him and holding him close. "How's my 'lil nephew? Do you want some food? I'll give you some food." I coo at him.

Freddie squeezes my fingers and touches along my face as I walk to the kitchen, grabbing the baby food from the pantry and setting him in his high-chair.

Louis and the boys come over and Niall takes the spoon that I was putting in Freddie's mouth away from me.

"Birdie, you shouldn't be doing this. It's your birthday, hun. We're going to go out and have fun. Let the boy's dad do this." he says.

I raise a brow. "He's my nephew. I can do it." I tell him.

Louis shakes his head. "Heck no. I'll do it. After I feed him, we're going to the club and we're gonna party."

I sigh and nod, stepping back and letting Louis feed Freddie and sit on  the couch.

Harry comes over and sits next to me. "So.  How has your day been so far?" he asks me.

I smile some and look at him. "Well, it's going good. I get to see all you guys and see Freddie and now we're about to out to a club. I feel like Louis has planned something, so I'm wondering how that'll go." I tell him.

Harry smiles and nods. "Yeah. Well, now that it's legal for you to drink here, are you gonna get plastered?" he asks me.

I laugh and nod. "Hell, probably."

He grins and nods, looking at me, then at the door when someone knocked at it.

"That's the nanny! I'll get it. Are you all ready?" Louis asks, wiping his hands and picking up Freddie, walking towards the door.

I get up and look over at Harry, then around and see Niall and Liam in a heated discussion.

I clear my throat and they both turn to face me.

"We're about to leave. Are you guys okay?" I ask.

Niall smiles small and nods, elbowing Liam who smiles too. "We're fine. Just talking about golf. You know how I get with golf." Niall says.

I chuckle and nod, then walk over to Louis who's finished talking with the nanny.

We watch as she takes Freddie upstairs to the bedroom.

"Well, you all ready?" Louis asks, looking at all of us.

I nod and look around at the rest of the boys who nod and we all pile into the car.

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