Chapter 29

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Mrs. Styles.

Wow, I can't say that I don't love that. I do, really.

As soon as the service was over, Harry and I rushed out of the court house after grabbing our marriage certificate.

We're currently at Dub's. It's one of my favorite places to go and relax and eat. They have the best  burgers.

Harry and I sat across from each other and kept smiling to one another as we ate.

"I can't believe we got married." I whisper to him, not wanting anyone to over hear us.

Harry nods and smirks, reaching over to take my hand in his. "I know..I was shaking the entire time."

"Me too." I tell him, smiling.

We continue eating in comfortable silence until I look up and spot Louis and the rest of the boys come in, Niall holding Freddie.

"The boys are here." I tell Harry, biting my lip.

Harry looks back over his shoulder and then looks back at me. "Well, shit."

I giggle and steal one of his French fries as Louis comes over to our table.

"Hey, guys! I didn't see you there. What's up, you guys are all dressed nice and stuff. Why?" Louis asks.

I look up at him. "You're very nosy today, brother. Go choke on a fry." I joke.

Louis chuckles and shakes his head, waving Niall and Liam over.

Harry and I watch as they pull a table against ours and then they all sit down.

"So, are you going to answer my question?" Louis asks, sliding in next to me.

I glance at Harry who sighs and leans back, pushing his half eaten food away. "They'll find out anyway. Just tell him, babe."

I reach over and take his hand in mine, smiling small at him before turning to Louis and the rest of the boys.

"We eloped." I state.

Liam chokes on one of the fries he stole from Harry's tray and Niall stops bouncing Freddie on his knee.

I look up at Louis and he glares down at me.

"What did you say?" he asks, his voice low.

I swallow hard, glancing at Harry before looking back at Lou.

"Harry and I, we eloped." I say.

"What the bloody hell for?" he demands, sitting back in annoyance.

I scoff and lean my back against the window. "We couldn't wait. And we talked about it and by the time that you and Alyssa would have the wedding planned, I'd be ready to pop and I don't want to wear a big ass wedding dress that's gonna be too tight and I'm only going to wear once. It's dumb. But you can still have the reception or something. Or the wedding so everyone can be there...I don't know." I tell him.

Louis sighs and shakes his head, grabbing a handful of Harry's fries and shoving them into his mouth.

"Well, I'm happy for you, Birdie. And you too, mate." Liam says, reaching over to pat Harry's shoulder.

"Thanks, Payno. It means a lot." Harry says, smiling.

Liam smiles and I smile at Niall who smiles back at me, giving me a thumbs up as he hands Freddie to me.

"Hey, buddy! I missed you!" I exclaim as I give Freddie a hug, kissing his cheek.

Freddie chuckles and mumbles his little jibber jabber as he eats a few of my French fires.

I smile at Freddie and let him sit next to me and I glance over to see Harry smiling small at me.

I feel my cheeks burn and I look away from him.

We spend the next hour eating and talking about me being pregnant and names and food.

"Johnny. I like that name." Liam says, leaning back. "And if it's a girl, Joanna."

I shake my head and sigh quietly, looking over at Harry who's laughing.

"Hell no. Johnny's the name of like...a frog or something." he says.

"No, that's Jeremiah." Louis corrects.

Harry shrugs and looks at me. "What about you? What do you think of names?"

I blink and think for a moment.

"Well, if it's a girl, Belle or Coraline. If it's a boy, Kia or Mark." I tell them.

Harry smiles and nods, looking at me. "I love it. I love 'em." he says.

Louis shrugs and picks Freddie up. "I guess they're okay. But we should get going. It's almost time for little man's nap." he says.

I check the time and see that it's almost two in the afternoon.

"Wow. Yeah. We should get going too." I say.

After getting up and walking out to the parking lot, I give Louis and Freddie a kiss before hugging Niall and Liam, telling them to behave themselves, then head back to the Jeep with Harry.

Once inside, I buckle up and watch as Harry gets in and starts the Jeep, pulling out of the parking lot and down the road towards our place.

"Are you okay?" I ask him when he doesn't speak.

Harry glances at me and nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."

I nod and look out the window. "Yeah, me too. I think I'm gonna take a little nap when we get home." I tell him, smiling some.

Harry nods again and the ride continues in silence.

When we pull into my driveway, we get out and make our way inside.

I take my phone and keys out of my purse and put my purse and keys away before collapsing on the couch.

Harry walks straight toward the kitchen and gets out the bottle of scotch, pouring himself a small glass before downing it.

I get up quickly and walk over to him, placing a hand on his back as I grab the glass from his hand and set it in the sink.

"What's wrong, baby? Why are you drinking?" I ask, turning him to face me.

Harry sighs, shaking his head. "It's nothing, really."

"Bullshit. Don't lie to me, Harry. What's going on with you?" I demand.

Harry looks at me, then away.

"I'm scared..." he whispers.

"Of what?" I ask softly, moving closer to him.

He looks at me, then leans against the counter.

I watch as his eyes well up with salty tears. "Of everything. Worried that I might hurt you, or say something dumb. Worried that I'm not going to be a good dad... I'm just scared, Birdie." he confesses.

I shake my head and cup his face in my hands, looking him in the eye. "Don't you dare do this to yourself. You're doing amazing. And if you say something that hurts me, just buy me a pizza." I tell him.

"But you are going to be an amazing father. I see how you are with Freddie and how you look when I'm around kids at all. You look so happy. I know you're going to be the best dad in the world." I say.

Harry smiles and nods, then kisses me softly.

"Thank you for that." he whispers.

I smile and kiss him again. "Anytime."

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