Chapter 32

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The next morning, at around 9 A.M, Dr. Blane came into our room and smiled when he saw me holding Ethan.

"Ah, just the little family I was looking for." he says, checking his chart before setting it on the bed next to my feet.

"Good morning, Doctor. How are you?" I ask, handing Ethan to Harry who gladly takes him.

Dr. Blane shrugs, tossing my a small smile.

"I'm fine. Tired, but fine. Now, let's look at your stitching, shall we?"

I nod at his words and Dr. Blane carefully pulls up my hospital gown to show the nasty surgical wound from my C- section.

"It seems to be healing up nicely. Very nicely. I met let you loose tomorrow evening." he says as he puts on a pair of blue gloves.

I smile at Harry who bites his lip and looks at me.

"Really?" Harry asks. "Tomorrow night?"

Dr. Blane nods and looks between the two of us as he gently pushes the skin and muscles around the "wound".

"Yes, as long as there's no infection or too much tenderness then you two are welcome to go." he says.

I try not to wince as Dr. Blane's fingers push onto my right side and he glances at me.

"Sore right there?" he asks.

I sigh and nod. "Yes. But that's the only sore spot. That's where Ethan spent his time kicking and hitting." I tell him.

Harry looks at me, sitting next to me on the bed.

"You didn't tell me you were in pain." he says, running one of his hands through my hair.

I shake my head, kissing his cheek. "It only hurts when you press on it. I'm fine."

Dr. Blane nods and helps me fix my gown before covering me back up. "Well, there's no signs of infection, so that's a plus. I am going to increase your pain pills and continue you with the anti-bacterial fluids to make sure no infection comes from the right. Have you been walking around at all?" he asks.

"Yeah, just a bit though. To and from the bathroom, around the room a bit when I carry Ethan." I tell him.

Dr. Blane smiles and nods, grabbing his chart after he throws the gloves from his hands away. "Great. Keep doing that. I'll have a nurse come check up on you in a few hours."

We say our goodbyes and Dr. Blane leaves Harry and I to take care of Ethan.

It's silent for a moment as Harry and I stare at each other.

I can't help but break the staring contest as Ethan cries out and squirms in Harry's arms.

"He must be hungry again." I say, reaching up to take my son as Harry hands him to me carefully.

As I pull the front of my gown down and help Ethan's small lip attach to my breast, relaxing into the pillows as he begins to feed.

I motion for Harry to sit next to me and he smiles as he does.

Leaning my head against Harry's shoulder, my body is instantly warm again when Harry wraps his arm around me carefully.

"You should've told me you were in pain. I could have gotten the doctor in here a lot sooner, Birdie." he scolds, still watching as Ethan feeds on my breast.

I shake my head, glancing up at my husband.

"I was fine. I am fine. I just wanna get out of this place and then go home. Our home." I say, smiling small.

Ever since that week that Harry left and went out, buying all of the baby stuff we could ever need, we've been putting all of that stuff to use.

Setting up the cribs he bought in both of our houses, along with all of the toys and clothes.

The 475 packs of diapers hidden away in the attic.

Yeah, I guess you can say we both went a little over board on diapers but you can never have too many. Right?

"We should buy a house together." Harry states.

I raise a brow and look up at him.

"We have houses. Mine and then your like, three." I tell him.

Harry shakes his head and looks down at me.

"No, I mean, one that's for both of us. Together." he says.

I nod slowly and then look down at Ethan.

"You already bought one, didn't you?" I ask.

Harry grins slightly and looks at me.

"It's a two story, 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, two are upstairs and then one in the living room. I already had all of our, and yes, our, furniture moved and the walls painted. It has an attic and basement. A small library that could be just for you and a beautiful chefs kitchen. You'll love it, baby. I swear." he says.

As he was telling me, I watched his eyes light up in excitement and awe.

Something inside of me burned with a strange desire and I smiled slowly.

"Yes." I blurt, interrupting him as he talks again.

Harry's brows furrow in confusion and he looks at me. "Wh-what?" he asks.

I lean up and kiss his lips softly before pulling back.

"Yes, let's do it." I tell him.

Harry smiles and kisses me deeply, cupping my face in his hands.

I smile against his lips and we both pull away as Ethan begins to coo and whimper against my chest.

I pull my gown back up and pull Ethan up, letting him rest over my shoulder as I begin to burp him.

"Lets do it. As soon as we get out of here, we can go." I say as I look at Harry.

Harry nods and smiles, kissing the side of my head and then Ethan's gently.

"I love you. " he says.

I smile and peck Harry's nose softly.

"I love you too."

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