Chapter 10

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Niall and I sat at one of the tables at Java Dave's, tea in our hands and doughnuts in between us.

"So, what's going on with you and Liam?" I ask, taking a sip of my tea.

Niall's cheek turn a bright pink and he looks away from me. "What do you mean?" he asks.

I grin and lean forward a bit. "Awe, that's so cute. You get all flustered whenever someone even mentions his name. You're so adorable."

He groans quietly and runs a hand over his face. "Okay..well, it started before we all took our break. We kept on just going out for drink after everything, whether it be a concert, all of us seeing a movie, just hanging out, we'd always go somewhere alone." he says.

I nod along and continue to sip my drink.  I thank God for Alyssa working today and look towards the counter, seeing her and Dylan talking as they watch us.

I send her and wink and she grins, giving me a seductive wink back that almost has me spitting my drink all over Niall.

"Are you even listening?" Niall asks, snapping his fingers at me.

I look back at him and blink. "Yeaoh. I mean, yes." I stutter.

Niall rolls his eyes and looks at me.

"Okay, well after a few months of hanging out, we were both at this bar and I told him that I had to be up early for a doctors appointment and he walked me out, even hailed a cab for me. Before I got in...he told me that he really likes me and that he wanted me and then.." he trails off.

I lean forward more, raising my brows. "Don't leave the story hanging like that, dude." I tell him.

Niall blushes and nods, looking down at the cup between his hands. "And then I kissed him. I kissed him and I really liked it, Birdie." he says, looking up at me.

I smile and squeal a bit. "You're so cute!" I exclaim.

Niall chuckles and shakes his head. "Yeah, but that's kinda been it. We've both been bust with our own things and haven't really spent time together. That's what we were arguing about they other day." he says.

I nod and look at him. "Okay...but what about now? Like, since you two have been at Louis's?" I ask.

He clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck, looking around.

 "We uh- we almost had sex yesterday." he admits.

I blink, looking at him. "I'm sorry, what?"

He drops his hand and looks at me. "We almost had sex. Okay?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I exclaim, feeling a bit saddened at the fact that he hid that from me, any of it, really.

Niall scoffs and leans back in his chair. "Like how you hid that you jumped Harry's bones when you both were trashed and didn't tell me?"

I lean back and take a big sip of my drink. "Ouch." I mutter.

Niall sighs and looks at me, his features softening. "I'm sorry, Bird. It's just...I don't want the others to think bad of Liam and I." he confesses.

I nod and scoot my chair closer to him. "No one will judge you guys. You are two adults who have feelings for each other and you are more than able to out those feelings." I tell him.

Niall grins, sipping his tea. "Sounds like something you should be telling yourself." he says.

Thinking back on it, he's right. Harry and I are both adults who have feelings- no, strong  feelings for each other and are more than capable of working them out.

"So, what stopped you and Liam form...doing it?" I ask, changing the subject.

Niall blushes again and chuckles. "Well...Harry, actually."

I raise my brows, looking at him skeptically.

Niall catches my look and laughs, shaking his head. "No, no. Not the way you're thinking. He said he really needed to talk to Liam and just barged into his room and we were there and he saw us kissing and I got so embarrassed I just grabbed my clothes and walked out of there like nothing even happened.  I guess he told Liam about what happened between you two because Liam came downstairs looking shook."

Grinning, finish my drink and get up, tossing the cup in the garbage.

When I cam back to the table, Niall was on his phone and I decided to pull mine out as well.

I saw that Louis hasn't even sent me a text and it made my heart sad, the small smile on my lips dropping to a frown.

I tapped Harry's contact and sent him a quick text.

We need to talk.

It takes a few minutes until he responds.

Yeah, we do.

Hmm, I though to myself. Maybe he and I are thinking about the same thing.

Well, maybe you can come over to my place later and we can talk there.

Or, I can take you out to dinner and we can talk there.

I smile at the screen and shake my head.

You're always hungry, huh? Always on about food. But dinner sounds great. Pick me up at 6?

You know it. See you soon <3

I put my phone back and look at Niall who's grinning at me.

"Got yourself a date or something?" he asks.

I nod and bite my lip. "Yeah, Harry and I are going to dinner tonight. Hopefully to talk about us." I tell him.

Niall nods and throws his cup away.

"Well, while I have you, would you like to go see a movie or something?" he asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walks out of the café.

I nod and smile, leaning into him. "Hell yeah."

"Good, I wanna go see that shark movie. Bit it's really bad." he says.

I raise my brows and dig out my keys.

Niall looks at me as we get in the car. "Get it? Because the girl gets bit? No? Okay." he says, looking away.

I laugh at him and start the car, driving this goof to the movies.

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