Chapter 7

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Birdie Tomlinson

I sighed quietly as I walked around the café, picking up used cups and plates and putting them carefully in the bin I was holding.

"Birdie, you've been working so hard lately. Go take a brake, honey." Jana said.

I smiled at her and shook my head. "I couldn't do that, Jana. Besides, I only have a few minutes left of my shift." I tell her as I walk back to the kitchen and give Dylan the dishes, smiling at him.

Ms. Jana own Java Dave's and works with her son Dylan. They've been so kind to me whenever I work.  Sometimes, Jana even gives me most of her tips at the end of the week so that I can make bills. And Dylan is so sweet. I thought he was gay when I first met him, but after seeing him making out with our other co-worker Alyssa, my best friend, I thought other wise.

Dylan smiles back at me when I hand him the dishes and I check my watch. 10:15, over time baby.

I head to the locker room, undoing my apron and opening my locker.

Tossing the apron in my locker, I grab my phone and keys and head out.

"Okay guys, I'm off!" I shout, walking towards the exit.

"Bye Birdie!" Jana shouts.

I wave goodbye and walk out to my mini cooper, digging my keys out and unlocking the doors.

I get in and start the car, pulling out of the parking lot and driving over to Louis's place.

Clicking the call button on my steering wheel, I tell the car to call him.

"Birdie! Are you coming? How was work?" I here through the speakers on the car.

I smile small and nod. "It was work. I'm exhausted, but I'm on my way. I'll be there in a few minutes." I tell him.

I hear Harry's voice in the background and I blush.

"Great, I'll see you in a bit. Love ya." he says.

"Love you too." I say, then hang up on him.

As I drive, I listen to the music on the radio and finally turn into Louis's long ass driveway.

When I park the car, I jump out and walk inside only to be greeted by shh's  Liam telling me to shut up.

I make a face and toss my keys onto the coffee table as I walk into the living room.

I sit in the small space between Louis and Harry, cringing.

"What are we watching?" I ask quietly.

"Shhh." Louis says, swatting my arm.

I gasp and look at him.

"We're watching Mama." Harry whispers, his lips tickling my ear.

I shiver and nod, focusing on the TV.

We watch the show for quite a while. Two bowls of popcorn, many drinks, spot changes and bathroom breaks later, we're still watching movies.

"Louis, I'm getting cold. Can I borrow your blanket?" I ask, looking over at Louis, who's curled up in his fuzzy blanket.

"But then I'll be cold." he complained.

I roll my eyes as everyone snickers. "You can snuggle up to Harry." I say, grabbing the blanket from him and curling up against Niall who wraps his arm around me.

Liam puts in another movie, Room.

As the movie starts, I notice Harry look over at me, his jaw tense as he sees me and Niall.

I look at him and raise a brow and he looks away, leaning back with his arms crossed.

I sigh quietly and check my watch. 2:17 a.m.  God, I'm so tired.

I must have fallen asleep during the movie because the next thing I know, Harry is carrying me upstairs.

"What are you doing?" I ask groggily.

Harry smiles and tightens his hold on me. "You fell asleep during the movie. Everyone saw you and decided to go to bed as well. Louis asked me to carry you since your father called him. He didn't want to wake you." he explains.

I nod and bury my face in his neck, cuddling into his warmth. 

I hear a door open and then Harry lays me on a bed and I look around, noticing it's his room. 

"What are you doing, Harry?" I ask, sitting up some.

Harry pulls his blankets back and covers me up. "Louis is stressed out so I put you in here. Don't worry..I'm not gonna do anything, I swear. Unless you tell me to. I'll sleep on the floor." he says, looking at me.

I shake my head and look at him. "No, no. This is your room. I'll take the floor." I say, pushing the blankets off.

Harry shakes his head. "No, no. No way." he says, pushing me back down gently. "Sleep. Bed. Me. Floor." he says.

I pause and sigh. "Do you have a body pillow?" I ask.

Harry pauses, then nods and looks in his closet, grabbing the large pillow and tossing it to me.

I lay it in the middle of the bed and scoot over some. "There. Now we don't have to worry about touching each other, okay?"

Harry nods and smiles climbing onto his side of the bed.

He takes his phone out of his pocket and puts it on the charger, then lays down and covers up.

 I watch as he places one of his arms behind his head and looks over at me.

I blush and look away, lying down.

 "So..I guess we just have a habit of finding ourselves in bed with each other." Harry says, looking at me, biting his lip.

I smirk and nod. "Yeah..."

Harry clears his throat and looks up at the ceiling. "Birdie..I have to be honest with you." he says, glancing at me.

I nod, my brows furrowing. "Tell me, Harry."

I can see him visibly swallow.

"Uh..Last night. I don't regret it, Birdie. At all." he says, looking over at me.

I pause and bite my lip, looking into his eyes. "Harry..."

He shakes his head and looks up again. "Let me finish. Last night, was amazing. I loved it. And to be completely honest, I've kinda had a thing for you for a while. Since you and I 'bonded' at my birthday party. You were the only girl there, aside from my family, that didn't want sex but just wanted to know me. And that meant a lot. I loved when we talked and how we got to know each other so well." he says, finally looking at me.

I nod and close my eyes, then look at him. "Harry..I'm really glad that you said that. I've been dying to tell someone besides my friend that I'm crazy about you. Kinda since day one, but I couldn't act on it. I couldn't do it, because I can't hurt Louis. He's my brother, and your best friend and I just couldn't. But I'm older now, we all are. And Harry...I want you." I tell him.

After hearing this, Harry leans forward and cups my cheek, pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss.

I close my eyes and kiss him back as I move the pillow out of the way and allow him to pull me close.


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