Chapter 18

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Louis gets out of the hospital today.

After Louis woke up and the doctors examined him thoroughly,  they deemed him ready to go home.

I was in the room and Louis was in the bathroom brushing his teeth.

"C'mon, Lou!" I call out, knocking on the bathrom door.

"Shut up, I'm almost done." He shouts back.

I sigh, digging my phone out as it begins to vibrate in my pocket.

I see that it's Harry and I quickly answer it.

"Hey. Are you outside?" I ask him as Louis comes out of the bathroom looking at me.

I smile at him and he grabs his things before sitting on the wheelchair the doctor told him he had to ride out of the hospital in.

"Yeah, I'm right out front." Harry replied and I hear a few car horns from the other line.

"Well, we'll be out in a few." I tell him before hanging up.

I grab the handles of the wheelchair and we leave the room.

After signing a few legal papers and bills, we walk outside and are surrounded my the press, snapping pictures and asking questions.

"Louis! Did you almost die?"
"Tomlinson, what really happened?"
"Were you drink when you were in the accident?"

I look down at Louis as he asks me to stop and I gesture for the press to back up a bit.

"I was in my way home from a friend's house on Tuesday night when a drunk driver t-boned me.

No, I wasn't drunk. I was the victim of a drunk driver, a hit and run. I'm just glad that I'm alive to see my beautiful sister. " he says.

I blush and kiss his cheek, then wheel him over to the jeep where Harry jumps out and helps Louis get in the back seat.

The press comes forward again and snaps pictures of Harry and I as we get in the jeep.

I look back at Louis and he nods that he's ready and I buckle up, then lean over, kissing Harry's cheek.

"Thank you for coming to get us. It means a lot." I tell him.

Harry blushes and starts the jeep, then peels out of the parking lot and towards Louis's house.

As Harry drives, I pull out my phone and wait until we're at a red light to take a picture of all of us.

Harry and I smiling while Louis is in the back doing a thumbs up and a smile.

I post it into social media and send it to our dad before texting Miami and telling him to get some good ready for when we come back.

Harry reaches over and turns on the radio, the 1975's Somebody Else blasting through the speakers.

I hum along to the song and rest my head against the window, closing my eyes.

I wake up to Harry standing by me, undoing my seat belt and picking me up.

"Did I fall asleep?" I mumble.

Harry chuckles, nodding as he wraps my legs around his waist and I wrap my arms around his shoulders, burying my face against his warm neck.

I glance at Louis behind us and he smiles at me, his own eyes tired as we walk towards the door of his house.

I hear the door open and the boys start talking about Louis while Harry carries me up the stairs and into his room.

He lays me in the bed and kisses my cheek as he covers me up.

I pout and keep my arms around his neck, pulling him to me. "Stay.." I whisper, looking up at him.

Harry pauses and nods, then takes off his jacket and shoes, climbing in bed and curling up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I turn in his arms and wrap my arms around him, resting my head on his chest.

"You're always so warm." I mumble.

Harry chuckles and nods, then looks down at me as I look up at him.

I glance at Harry's plump and perfectly soft lips before looking back up, into his eyes.

Harry swallows and leans down, closing his eyes as he kisses me slowly, his hand coming up to caress my cheek.

I move my lips against his and grip his hip as we kiss.

He pulls back from the kiss and looks at me, then kisses down my neck and shoulder. "Warm yet?" he asks.

I giggle and nod, letting out a yawn.

Harry smiles and kisses me again before laying back down and cuddling into me.

I  wrap my arms around him once more and Harry covers us up and soon, I'm falling asleep.

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