Chapter 4

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In the cab, I gave the man driving my address and turned to face Harry, moving to sit on his lap.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply as we ride in the back.

Harry's hands were on my sides, then he dropped them to my hips and pulled me closer.

"God, I wish I could take you right here." he says quietly, kissing down my neck.

I bite my lip and nod, then get off of him as the cab stops outside of my place.

Harry throws some cash at the drive before opening the door and dragging me out and up to my front porch.

Giggling, I fish my keys out of the pocket of my romper and look for the key to the door.

"These all look the same. It's so dumb. I'm about to go get them all color coded and labeled." I tell Harry who chuckles.

Finally I find the right key and unlock the door, swinging it open and dragging Harry in.

As soon as the door shut, Harry grabbed me by the waist and kissed me deeply, pressing his hips into mine.

I moaned into his mouth and gripped his biceps as he held me against him.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he walked towards the stairs.

Harry's lips traveled down my neck and along my jaw as he climbed.

I slid one of my hands down his chest and kissed at his neck, quickly finding his sweet spot and nibbling at it, causing him to moan low in his throat.

I leaned back and bit my lip, looking at him. "God, that was hot." I tell him.

He chuckles and kisses me quickly. "Left or right?" he asks.

"Right?" I question myself, looking around. "Yes. Right. Right is right." I say, then laugh.

Harry laughs and opens the door to the right, leading into my bedroom.

He lays me on my bed and moves over me, grinding against my hips and making me grip onto the back of his neck.

I moan and lean my head back as Harry's lips attack my skin.

"Please.." I whisper, looking at him when he pulls back.

Harry sits back on his knees and quickly pulls of his shirt and his shoes and socks and I slip off my sandals and undo the button on my romper that allows it to slide off.

I get my arms out of the material, struggling to take it completely off.

"I can't." I pout, trying to pull my romper off. "Harry help me." I plead.

I look up at him and see that he only has his boxers left and I swallow hard. "God..." I whisper.

Harry comes forward and I lift my hips as he tugs on the shorts of the romper and it comes sliding off.

With the force of the pull, Harry falls off of the bed with a big thump and I gasp, sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed.

"Are you okay?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

Harry groans and then stands up and pushes me back onto the bed and looks at me. "Well...damn, Birdie." he whispers.

I blush and lay back.  Because of the romper, I couldn't wear a bra, otherwise it'd be uncomfortable. So Harry got the full view of my ladies. But I was wearing panties. Bright blue ones. Yeet.

Harry cups my face in his hands and moves over me, biting his lip as his eyes travel along my body. "I want" he says.

I lean in and brush my lips against his gently. "Then take me." I whisper, looking into his eyes.

Harry stripped us of our last piece of clothing and I reached over to my night stand, opening the drawer and pulling out a condom.

I rip the foil open and look down between Harry and I with wide eyes.

"Put it on, baby." Harry says, kissing along my neck.

I swallow hard and roll the condom on him, gently squeezing, making him moan.

I smile and he leans his head down, capturing my lips with his as he invaded me.

Gasping, I dug my nails into his back and leaned my head back.

Harry pushed up and started slow, then began picking up pace.

I moaned loudly and looked up at him, biting my lip. "God, Harry!" I cry out.

He grins and kisses me deeply and I knew that this would continue all night, or maybe until one of us passed out.

I woke up hot, yet cold.

I looked around and groaned, holding my head in my hands. "Holy hell.." I mutter to myself.

My head was killing me. I looked over and saw a man lying next to me and groaned quietly.

That explains my aching body...

I reached over and nudged the guy next to me. "Hey. Buddy. Wake up." I tell him.

I hear him groan and watch as he turns over, facing me and I jumped up.

"What the hell!?" I exclaim.

Harry groans and sits up. "Why are you screaming?" he asks, his eyes still shut.

"What happened? Why are you here?" I demand, grabbing the sheet off my bed and wrapping myself up with it.

Harry opens his eyes and looks around the room, his brows furrowed in confusion, then he looks at me and his eyes go wide.

"Fuck...Oh fucking hell!" He groans, burying his face in his hands.  "We..oh God. We had sex."

I lean against the wall and close my eyes, sighing. "We were drunk...The last thing I remember is you offering to dance or something.  That doesn't mean we had sex." I tell him.

Harry scoffs and looks at me. "We're both naked.. you have hickeys all over thighs and neck. There's a used condom in the trash. We had sex, Birdie." he says.

"Louis is gonna kill me when he finds out." Harry says, running a hand through his hair.

I groan and look at him. "Okay..well, he just can't find out. We won't tell a soul." I explain.

Harry nods and we both jump as we hear a knock on the front door.

"Birdie? It's Louis. I got your text. I wanted to make sure you were okay. Come on, open the door. I have Freddie with me."  Louis says, his voice muffled by the door.

I swallow hard and look over at Harry, who looks just as shook as I do.

"Shit." We both say in unison.

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