[He]: When we are on the bed
Everything changes.Things turns not-important
And you are the only thing i have on my mind.[She]: When we are on the bed,
before slepp
I prefire to think about
For dream with you.Everything about you.
Little girl's fantasies turns possibles and word makes smaller and i feel that we both are the biggest love in this planet.
(Just, lil girl's fantasies, I know but it make me so happy.)
[Both]: When we are on the bed,
Everything its magic.
The things we thong yesterday
Turns it real.All our fantasies, turns it better than in our dreams,
the magic, the feelings, the look into the eyes of each other,
everything.[She]:When we are on the bed.
[He]: When we're on the bed.
Amor: Poemas y relatos cortos.
RomanceTodas esas cosas cursis, que has escrito, pero nunca te has atrevido a mostrar a nadie...¿qué pasaría si un día salen a la luz? Nota: Las imágenes, dibujos y gif no me pertenecen. Este es el libro de recopilación de mis sentimientos más cursis de e...