| Chapter Two |

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Louis POV

     I paced around the hotel room, the four boys looking at me in complete utter shock.

"Louis, what the hell did you do?" Liam said through gritted teeth.

"Don't fucking look at me Liam! This was Harry's dare!"

"You shouldn't have actually done it!" Zayn yelled.

"Oh, be honest Zayn! If I wouldn't have done it, I would be running through the halls naked. So each of you shut the fuck up!" I screamed.

    I ran my hands through my hair, what the hell do I do now? I ask myself, I can't leave her outside passed out, but I can't just let her crash here... Can I? Me and the boys have to leave tommorow pretty early... I groaned.

"Let's- Let's just- Let's just go to bed." Niall sighed, "Maybe we can sort through this in the morning..."

Everyone nodded, Harry just sat there. Staring at the floor. Frozen.

"I can't believe you did that." He muttered.

"Sorry?" I asked him, not hearing.

"I said I can't believe you actually did that!" He said, suddenly staring me dead on in the eye. His posture was rigid, and his jaw clenched.

"We can't just let her go tommorow Louis!" He said, trying to keep his voice down.

"What the hell do you think she'd tell the press! When she wakes up, in One Directions hotel room! Oh yeah, I'm just best-buds with famous irish-british boybamd One Direction! No! She'd tell them how she heard something turned around suddenly and hands pushed her down!"

"T-that didn't happen." I said a bit shakily, knowing he was right.

"She can't remember anything past that, she'll just assume that's what happened! You just screwed us royally, thanks Lou." He said sarcastically.

"You dared me to!" I shouted.

"I didn't think you would actually do it! It was a stupid dare! A dare, to kidnap someone for christ's sake!" He stared at me his green eyes dark.

"Dick." I muttered, walking off into the seperate hotel bedroom, I saw Harry roll his eyes, signaling that he had, in fact heard me.

When I walked into my bedroom I noticed the girl lying in my bed.

"Shit." I wasn't sure if Harry was still sitting on the couch, or if he was gone, but I really didn't want to find out. I'll just sleep on the floor... I grabbed a blanket from the small closet, taking off a pillow from the side of the bed that wasn't taken. I arranged the pilliow and covers somewhat comferatably. From the drama of the day, as soon as my head hit that pillow. I was out.

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"Mmmph... Shut. Up." I grumbled.

"Louis." Whoever this was, they were pissing the hell out of me right now. My eyes snapped awake, and they searched the room untill they landed on a very pissed Paul.

In case you didn't know, Pauls our bodygaurding manager. He watches us and makes sure we don't do any terribly stupid shit.

Oh... Wait a minute...

"Care to explain the person sleeping in your bed?" He asked with a tight smile across his face to keep himself from losing it.

"Uhm... It was... Harry's idea?" I mentally slapped myself. It sounded more like a question then an answer, and I needed an answer if I wanted to save my arse. I sighed.

"Look, Paul. We were playing a game of triple dog. Which is a more... Uhm, consequencial game. You don't do the dare, or don't answer the truth you're out of the game. We had a certain amount of points for truth and for dare. Whoever had the least amount of points would have to streak naked down the hall. Harry dared me to kidnap a girl, not thinking I would do it, but I really didn't want to streak down the hallway, so I sorta impulse though and I creeped up behind her, I startled her and she turned and slipped on something, and blacked out..." I stared at the floor, whilst Paul rubbed his temples.

"Damnit Louis. Do you realize how this impacts the band? We can't let her go, untill we are sure she won't leak details to the press!" He raised his voice but then lowered it when the girl in my bed stirred, "Look Louis, all I'm saying is that because of your actions, we have to actually kidnap this girl. You understand me?" Paul asked, his eyes were widening, and he was clenching his jaw.

I gulped, but nodded.

"Good. Now let's get her to the tour bus. We need to make sure she isn't noticed. Okay?" Paul's voice sounded strained, but his actions and facial expression showed a smooth, confident middle aged man.

"Help me." He said, I again nodded as he picked her up, I covered her body in a blanket.

"Let's hope this works." Paul muttered under his breath.

God help us all, we were actually pulling this off. Unbelievable.


So? How's the story so far? Sorry for any mispelled words. Writing on a tablet sucks. Sorry!

Vote, Comment, and possibly follow me? You know, how you want a member of 1D to follow you and they don't and you're like it takes a second to do this! Why don't they follow me! Yeah, sorry if I'm being pushy...


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