| Chapter Four |

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     Louis's POV

   "God, what's her problem?" I ask not taking my eyes off of the screen,   where I was currently winning the game of futbol. Harry stared atfc me, anger flushing his face, "Louis you just kidnapped her, what the hell did you expect?"

"I don't know!" I shouted, throwing the remote controller down, and letting out a frustrated groan.

"Mate, you should talk to her. Try to get on her good side." Liam told me, his brown eyes staring intently into mine.

"Okay, fine. Whatever." I started tostand up and walk down the skinny corridor, flinging open the curtain to her bed.

"What?" She asks, staring at the bunk on top of her.

"Look, I'm sorry. I really am, I shouldn't have done this. It..." I debated on telling her about the dare. Should I? It would help her understand the situation a bit more, right?

"It was a dare!" I blurted out. She stared at me, "You kidnapped a girl. Because of a dare?"

"If I wouldn't have I would have had to streak down the hotel hallway!"

"You realize you could go to jail for this right?!" She shrieks, I flinch at her loud tone. Sure I'm a rambling idiot most of the time, that is equally loud if not louder, but I'm sorry that kidnapping doesn't put me in the mood to tell jokes and laugh my arse off. Maybe I'm just havingb an off week? You kn-

"Earth to Louis. Louis! Lewis!!!" She shouts, I stare at her with distate.

"Its LOU-EY. Not LEW-IS."

"Had to get you to focus someohow." She shrugs, propping herself up on her elbows. Her face became dangerously close to my face for a second, making my heart speed up a bit. Whose wouldn't? This is a very fit girl.

With her full pink lips, charming cat-like green eyes, and thick, wavy chest length dark hair. She wasn't a skinny stick, she was a curvy girl, and very pretty. Of course my heart sped up! I may be the oldest member of One Direction, but I have hormones to! Is that the right word? I'm not sure, maybe I should ask Paul?

"Louis!" She shouts again, "You keep drifting off in your thoughts!" She heaves out a heavy sigh.

"You know what, I don't care. I'm tired."

"No. Ev, just-"

"Evelynn. You're not allowed to call me Ev."

I roll my eyes but continue, "Okay, Evelynn, just listen to me. I did it because I didn't want to run down a hallway naked, you realize how bad that would look on me?"

"What about kidnapping Louis? How would kidnapping look? Hmm?"

I stare at her. A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth, "See?"

I struggle to find something to attack her with, I need something to say! Otherwise she'd be right! I stand there, mouth agape, just casually catching flies.

"Louis... You don't have to apologize. Its fine whatever."

Evelynns POV

Oh my god. Did I just tell him kidnapping me was fine?! What the hell! Mouth shut the fuck up! It isn't fine, he kidnapped you!

"I-I mean..." I stammered, Oh my god. I sound like an idiot. "It-It isn't fine. You...You uh, shouldn't have kidnapped me..."

An amused grin appears on Louis face.

"Louis. Im tired. Get the hell out."

"Okay, get some sleep, yea?" He asks, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"Yeah, whatever..." I watch him shut the curtain, blanketing me in a comforting darkness.



So, any feedback? The storys cliché but I think I've done a good job on writing it so far... Check out my other storys!



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