| Chapter Three |

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  Evelynn's POV

        My eyes fluttered open slowly, but when they were fully open I panicked. I wasn't sure where I was, who I was with... What the hell is going on. I tried to move. To scream. I couldn't. I was bound, and gagged. Jesus christ, I wasn't going to be raped was I?

I started to freak. I tried to move, again, but my attempts failed.

        "Guys! Psst! I think she's awake..." Someone whispered, I could barely hear them, but I could tell there were at least four people, maybe more... I was outnumbered. I couldn't run, I couldn't get help, I was screwed. I sighed, and stopped struggling, realizing I was going to be gang-raped and killed.

       I moaned softly, a small, but noticible tear slipped from my eye. Someone opened the curtain, and I flinche d away. I looked back and realized all of the boys were grimancing at how I was tied up. When I fully took in their appearences, I realized something, they were One Direction. Teen heartthrobs, what the fuck were they doing kidnapping some 19 almost 20 year old when they practically had girls throwing themselves at them.

They were flashed regularly, thrown bras, tampons for gods sake,and they were kidnapping someone?!

      Logic. Logic must have completly escaped their minds. Seriously, if they wanted to, I bet they could get a fan to sleep with them and shut up about it. But, this isn't logic... So forget what I told you, that was just the scared, and pissed off side of me.

      I looked at each of them, realanizing how they looked pretty much the same from the posters and pictures, which I find surprising. Usually they airbrush the shit out of those pictures.

"Why'd you tie her up like that?!" The irish one--Niall I think...

      Don't get me wrong, they were talented singers, each of them attractive, but I'm not a diehard fan. I don't twitter stalk them. I have read some fanfics though, and this situation was so cliché that I would have laughed, but alas, I couldn't. Because-- Get this! I was gagged, with a fucking bandana. How the fuck did I not wake up?! Seriously, I wasn't that heavy of a sleeper! Wait... Was I?

       But, back to the point. I have been kidnapped. By One Direction, teen heartthrobs, thought to do nothing so terribly wrong, such as kidnapping girls.

"Paul did. He didn't want her to scream and startle the bus driver." They kept staring at me.

"This is unnescecary." Liam...Yeah, I think that's right, said.

"C'mon Louis, just let her go." Harry said, so Louis kidnapped me... Did the others not have any part in it?

"What if she screams Harry? What if she jumps out!" He said, rising his voice as he progressed in his sentence.

"One. We will make sure she does not scream, and being gagged and tied probably doesn't help the not wanting to scream factor... Two. If she jumps out she will most likly die, we are on a packed highway, going around 60-70 miles per hour. She's not going to jump out, she's not that stupid." Zayn said, Harry nodded in agreement and Louis looked stumped.

Finally Louis sighed in agreement first ungagging me. Then unbinding me from the thick rope. I sighed heavily, rubbing my wrists and then ankles.

I looked quickly upon my wrists, I used to cut, so I had multiple scars. Sometimes I still do take a razor blade to myself. (A/N Cutting is a serious thing, please don't do it! You have multiple people in your life that would miss you! Think about them if you ver have the urge to cut, would you cut their wrists?)  I'm not proud of cutting, no one is, but I had to take a look. Multiple scars showed, and one of the most recent cuts had opened, I had done this about a week ago.

"Oh my god. Are you okay?" Niall asked grabbing my wrist, seeing the blood. I winced in pain, as he rolled my dress sleaves up. His eyes widened as he saw all of the scars. He just sat there, mouth hanging as if he was going to say something, eyes wide in surprise. All of the other boys looked surprised.

I scowled, "What?" I snapped.

"You...You have a bunch of cuts on your wrist..." Louis said, sounding sad and pityful.

"You kidnapped me. You have no right in lecturing me in what I should and shouldn't do." I said, venom leaking out of my voice.

He nodded slowly, the truth in my words silencing him.

I yank my arm out of Niall's grasp.

"So, what made you kidnap someone? Do you do this regularily?" I ask.

"No." Harry says, staring daggers in Louis direction, hmm... Aren't they supposed to be best buds? Louis glared back.

"We'll discuss this later." Louis said icily.

"Well, on a brighter note," Liam said,glancing between Louis and Harry, before returning his gaze onto me.

"We're almost to the new arena!" He said, a smile forming on his face.

"Wait... Where are we?" I asked alarmed, "Uhm..." He said, looking uneasy. "Illinois..."

"What!?" I asked frantically.

"He just said-"

"No! No, no, n-!" I yelled.

"Shh!!!" Louis said, slapping his hand over my mouth. I glared at him.

He took his hand off my mouth slowly.

"Let's grab you something to eat... You haven't ate in at least a day." Zayn said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up, leading me to the kitchen area.

You know, for a tour bus, this is pretty comferatable. Reminds me of the camper I spent my childhood, and teenage years in with my family for summer vacation.

I sat down on the couch, watching Zayn as he opened the fridge, revealing a impressive amount of food. Zayn pulled out a tupperware bowl that had some leftover mac and cheese. He took the top off throwing it in the microwave for thirty seconds, taking it out, mixing it,throwing it back in for another thirty seconds.

He grabbed it out of the microwave and gave it to me. "There." He said, "Now eat up. I'm going to go talk to the boys..." He started to walk back into the seperated hallway, "Uhm...Zayn?"

"Yeah?" He said, throwing his gaze back to me, "Can I have a spoon?"

Zayn hadn't given me a spoon, his gaze setteled on the steming bowl of mac and cheese, his face turned a slight shade of pink.

"Uhm yeah... Its, uh, yeah.." He walked back, opening up a cabinet and grabbing me a spoon. "Thanks." I said, holding back laughter.

"Uhm... Yeah..." He said, his face was still red, and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I started laughing. A loud, snorting, tear-filled mess. Zayn looked really confused, and it made me laugh even harder. I was still laughing about a minute later, clutching my stomach. Zayn was standing there a blank look across his face. The four other boys came into the small kitchen, crowding it.

They all had blank looks on their face.

"Can't. Snort. Breathe. Snort"  I said, well. I tried to say it. You could barely understand me, "Uhm, are you okay?" Harry asked, a slight smile on his lips. I nodded,tears streaming down my face.

"Okay..." Niall said sounding unsure. I started to regain my breath, taking in gasping amounts of air to calm myself.

Who would've thought being kidnapped would've made me laugh so hard...

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