| Chapter Three |

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       Evelynns POV

    "So, your name is Evelynn, and your twenty years old... Correct?" Paul asked me. Paul was apparently the boys head bodygaurd, who had helped Louis with getting me into the damned tourbus. I nodded my head, not even looking at him.

       Most girls would be dying right now, because they were ggoing to be living and going on tour with One Direction! Yay! *Note sarcasm* The boys currently were playing Xbox in the small bus living room, while I sat at the table with Paul who was questioning me about my past, who I was, what I was going to school for, you name it, he's asked it... Well, not nessicarily, but you get what I mean.

        I huffed out in annoyence, looking down at my nails, I had them painted a bright green, with a pink dot in the middle, yeah, I know. Creative. I looked over to see the boys laughing withth each other, and playing around as if they hadn't kidnapped a girl and forced her to come with them on their worldwide tour. I despised them, all of them. Except maybe Niall... Niall seemed like a lost puppy, not quite sure who he wanted to side with. Harry seemed annoyed with Louis, and the others... I'm honestly not sure. I liked their music, some of it was pretty catchy. I've never been a crazy, die-hard directioner though.

In my mind there was no point in falling for them, there wasn't a chance, at all. That I would ever be friends with them, let alone, girlfriend.

       "Ok." Paul clapped his hands together lightly, pulling out a sleek, black iPhone 5s in a Lifeproof case. He started putting in information. He set his phoe down and told me to sit tight, as he had to go to the 'loo'. Oh, look at him being all british and stuff. I rolled my eyes, settling back into the comfy seat. I crossedmy arms, and looked down at the black dress. Oh, shit. I have no clothes, whatsoever. I started to fidget, realizing how snug this dress is, oh my god, I can't move. This dress is digging into my armpits, ow ow ow. How did I not realize this before?! Ugh, I hate myself. The sleaves of the dress were hurting my wrists. Or, maybe that's the freshly opened cuts? Not sure, but I need diffrent clothes, soon.

"Back." Paul said, plopping down on the seat with a "Oomph."

"So... Do I have any clothes? Or lady tolietries? " I ask with an annoyed sigh.

Pauls eyes widened,but then narrowed, "Uhm... no..."

I groaned, "So, I'm basically spending almost a while freaking year with you twats, and I have no clothes, no anything! I don't even have money!" I shouted loudly.

"Quiet down a bit Ev!" Louis snapped, I glared at him, "Are you really calling me Ev? Fucking Ev! I don't know you, and I would have preferred not to! Don't call me Ev, you don't fucking know me!" I screamed, rather loudly if I may add, fuck you Louis.

"Shut the hell up! Both of you!" Paul ordered. Me and Louis glared at each other. If looks could kill, we'd both be dead. I groaned in frustration and turned towards Paul.

"Okay boys. Pause the game, and listen up!" The boys groaned in annoyence, but obeyed.

"I talked to management, and they agreed with the decision. Untill we are positive she won't release any information to the press about your stupid behaivior," Paul looked intensly at Louis, who sheepishly smiled and shrugged, "Tonight Evelynn needs something to wear though. So I expect someone to give her something to wear to bed, untill tomorrow where I will escort you all to the closest mall so she can buy some clothes. "

"Louis's paying." Liam said suddenly, a giant smirk spread across his face.

"Why me?!" Louis shouted.

"Because you took her dipshit." Zayn said, scrolling through his phones notifications.

          "I'm gonna grab a beer, anyone want one?" Niall asked, sitting up. I can't believe how fast they just shouldered Paul's conversation, there one second, gone the next. Nobody raised their hand, hardly even acknoledged Niall. I raised my hand, sighing, I've done a lot of that lately, huh? Oh well, Niall raised his eyebrow, but didn't question it. Me. and Niall were both twenty, so neither of us should be drinking but I do it anyway. I don't know about Niall though, because, I don't know Niall, but I think that the drinking age over in Ireland is eighteen, so if I'm correct he's probably drank a lot. Niall handed me a beer, I've never seen this kind of beer before... Hmm. Oh well, not like I couldn't handle it. I could down a whole pitccher of beer without getting tipsy, I'm pretty good at handling my alchohol. I opened up the glass bottle, throwing it back, and relishling the burn down my throat. Maybe if I got really drunk and just ignored this problem it would all go away...

      Zayn stared at me guzzling down the beer, ah whatever. Let him watch. I set down the bottle, leaning against the back of the booth. Watching the v,boys play Fifa. I was pretty good at soccor, or as they called it, futbol. I stared at the screen, looking over to the microvave. 8:32P.M. I threw back another swig of my beer. Niall, Zayn,and Liam warching me now. What the hell were they watching for? Harry looked up, pausing the game, causing Louis to protest. Harry nudged Louis and whispered something in his ear. They were all staring at me now. My beer was a bit more than half empty. Nialls was still almost full.

"What the hell are you staring at?" I demanded.

"Nothing." They mumbled, I took a longer drink of the beer this time, finishing the whole thing off. I threw it in the recycling, opened the fridge and grabbed another one. The boys unpaused their game and started playing again, glancing over at me ever couple minutes or so.

♪                                 ♪                                    ♪                               ♪

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*Hour later*

I was on my sixth beer now. The boys looked worried, but I felt fine.

"Seriously, what the fuckare you staring at?"

"How are you not passed out? These are high potency bottles that should have you wasted on your fourth beer! But here you are on your seventh-"

"Sixth." I corrected him.

"Whatever! How are you not dead!?" Niall exclaimed.

"I have a strong stomach for alchohol." I replied simply

They returned my gaze with shocked faces.

I shrugged, "who has my clothes for the night?"

"How is she not at all tipsy?" Zayn whispered to Harry, who in turned just shrugged.

"I do." Liam said with with a raised hand, I nodded.

Liam walked into the back and came back out with a pair of sweat pants (Joggers), and a t-shirt,which would obviosly be to big for me with my petite 5'4 frame. I grabbed the clothes and walked off into the back.

"Night." I called icily.


So, feel free to leave your opinions on my story, it would be very helpful! And if you want check out some of my other storys!





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