Chapter One

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Kiana gulped as she sat against the cold metal bars of the cage. This is the third time a master has returned her and she knows what the store policy is. It's not her fault she's so young and doesn't understand half of what those human men try and make her do. With her long black hair hiding her face, she awaited one of the store's clerks to box her up and ship her off to one of those facilities.

Meghan is one of the store's clerks that just so happens to be a little more understanding of the situation of the female Neko's. Most men that come in to purchase one usually use the poor things to fulfill their own twisted fantasies. And poor little Kiana had to fall victim to these men at such a young age. 

Quietly Meghan approached the cage that held the young Neko and offered her a warm smile. "Kiana. I'm surprised to see you back so soon." She murmured softly, delicately lifting the small child into her palms.

"N-No you're not," Kiana whimpered out, using a hand to wipe the hot tears off her cheeks. "I-it happens all the time. Y-You say those men who buy me have mean thoughts. A-And it's always like that. Th-Then they bring me back when I-I don't know what to do for them."

"Hush, that's not your fault." The clerk cooed, using a finger to pet Kiana's hair. "They're just horrid people. We still have a few days until the truck comes, maybe you'll be adopted before then." 

Feeling the humans finger, Kiana let out a soft purr and leaned into the touch. "I don't know Meghan."

"And I know." She smiled, lowering the Neko child back into her cage. "You're too adorable. Besides, if someone takes you longer than the days the truck comes, you'll have a whole nother month." She giggled.

A slight glimmer of hope shone in Kiana's eyes for only a brief moment. "You think so?" She mumbled, leaning back against the bars. 

"Trust me, I know so." Meghan murmured softly as she smiled at her before walking away. "Get some sleep dear, make sure you're bright eyed and bushy tailed when we open."

Kiana laid on the cage floor and slowly closed her eyes as she did her best to attempt sleep.

The night passed slower than any night before. Kiana barely slept, but being part cat she didn't really need too much sleep. As long as she kept moving the next day that is. 

Once morning arrived, the jingling of the store bell made Kiana shoot into an upright position and look towards the front door. To her dismay a man stood there, eyeing each cage with Neko's closely. He was tall, and the way he was dressed made him seem like he had some sort of important job. Maybe a lawyer, or a banker. 

He had on a black suit, his shirt tucked neatly into his belt with a black tie folded around his neck. Brown hair slicked back so it wasn't in his face. Suddenly his dark green eyes landed on Kiana and she gulped but knew this could be her chance, even if he was a man.

She rose to her feet and smiled at this man, reaching an arm out through the bars as an invitation for him to come closer. She made her black ears twitch curiously, however, her black tail wrapped around legs as a sign of caution.

Slowly the man approached, and when he opened his mouth to speak a surprisingly gentle voice came out. "Why, hello there little one. I didn't think they'd have one as young as you here. How old are you my dear?" 

Her ears pinning to the top of her head, Kiana quietly responded. "I-I'm nine." She whispered, returning her outstretched arm to her side.

"Nine? Oh, you should be outside playing." He said with a soft chuckle. "Do you have a name then little one?" He asked gently as he reached a finger through the bars and pet her hair the best he could.

"K-Kiana." She whispered, closing her eyes as she began to purr quietly. He was certainly more gentle than the other men who adopted her before, but it could all be an act. 

"That's a pretty name." He murmured before turning away from her cage as his green eyes scanned the store. "Is anyone working? Hello?" Walking over to the counter, he jumped slightly startled when Meghan popped up from behind the counter.

"Hello, sir! Sorry, I was organizing the materials we don't sell in the aisles. You know, for the females. Personal items." She smiled.

"Ah, I see. Well, that young Neko over there. I want her." He pointed and Meghan smiled until she saw where his finger was pointing and her face immediately fell. 

"Her? Um, well, can I be perfectly honest with you?" She mumbled before not even bothering to wait for an answer and lowered her voice. "She's been brought back three times. Not because she's got an attitude or bad behavior, but men have adopted her and only used her for their own...pleasures."

The man's eyes widened and he turned back to Meghan. "Are you accusing me of being some sort of sick person?! A pedophile at that?!" He nearly shouted before clearing his throat softly."I want her." He placed a stack of bills on the table.

"Very well." Meghan nodded and approahed Kiana's cage. "Let's get you out and get you ready to go dear. I'm sure this time will be much better."

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