Chapter Five

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Lily awoke in the morning to a small buzzing noise that had begun to drive her crazy in her sleep. But when her eyes opened she saw Kiana curled right at the bottom of her pillow, nestled into the fabric of the bed. The buzzing was now identified as a soft but audible purr. All she could do was shake her head and laugh quietly. "Caleb?"Lily whispers, nudging the arm of her husband who was still sleeping behind her.

"Hmm?" Caleb groaned, pushing himself into a sitting position tiredly. Rubbing his eyes he glanced over before spotting Kiana in her white dress. He probably wouldn't have seen her had the white not been entirely different from the maroon colored bedding. "Oh. Is she bothering you?" He began to reach out to wake the Neko child when Lily gripped his wrist gently to stop him.

"No, she came up in the middle of the night because she didn't want to be alone. It's fine, lots of people let their cats, dogs, even sometimes snakes sleep on their beds with them." Lily whispered softly as she turned her gaze back to Kiana and very gently used her index finger to pet her hair. "Didn't you say the clerk said the last three men she was with abused her?"

"...Yes." Caleb answered after a slight hesitation. He didn't like to think people like that existed in the world, but they do. No matter the efforts by the government, FBI, police...people like that have and simply always will be around. "I just can't believe why. She's a good girl, just terrified because of what they did to her." 

"The poor dear," Lily whispered, cupping Kiana into her palms as she carefully sat up. Her and Caleb both were both against animal, and human, abuse. So to hear that someone who was both broke both their hearts. "What do you think she's dreaming about? Or is she even dreaming?"

"If she is, I sure hope they're good dreams," Caleb responded with a soft chuckle as he hugged his wife tightly, glancing down to the Neko.

But the problem was that Kiana wasn't having sweet dreams at all. They were horrid, frightening things to someone her age. Some of her nightmares are things she's lived through and some of them are what she is afraid could happen. Tonight was a new one for her. It was a combination of both. 

She kept running through the house, doing her best to not be seen by the human. She didn't want to anymore. He was too cruel. He made her do things no one her age should have to do. 

"Where are you?!" His voice boomed angrily from right around the corner and she froze in her tracks as a soft yelp escaped her throat. 

The man stepped around the corner and glowered down at Kiana, his lips curled into a sneer. "Trying to run away are you?" His large hand came down over her before she had a chance to even blink and his digits encircled her with an iron grip. 

"M-Master, I-I'd never!" She choked out, the air being squeezed roughly from her lungs. Her heart pounded, her vision blurred. He was literally squeezing the life out of her. 

"You know I told you to never lie!" He shouted at her and suddenly she was falling. 

The man disappeared and she was jut falling through darkness. She could breathe again, however. As she waited for a hard impact, it didn't come. Instead, she landed rather lightly on a soft object. Her brown eyes darted around and she found herself staring into the dark green orbs of her new master. He was smiling at her, and his fingers were delicately petting her head. 

It comforted her. Kiana found herself leaning into the giant finger with a purr. The human then began to speak in a hushed voice. "You're safe now," he said, "You don't have to worry about him anymore. Nothing will happen to you here."

She believed it. His words were sincere. Slowly everything around her faded away and a bright light forced her eyes open.

Kiana groaned softly as she used her hands to shield her eyes from the warm sun pouring in through the window. A deep chuckle made her jump and she shot upright, turning her head rapidly before she spotted Caleb and Lily who was still laying there, watching her with a smile. "M-Master, miss. I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sleep in, a-and-" 

Lily interrupts her with a warm smile. "It's alright little one. We would have woken you if we wanted you up. And now that you are, why don't we all go downstairs and get some breakfast?" Her hand extended out towards the young Neko, the satin sleeve of her nightgown falling over her wrist.

Kiana climbs into her palm, looking up at her. "Th-Thank you miss. I-I'm not picky, I'll eat whatever you give me." She said quietly. 

"Alright. Can you go wake up  Abigail please then Kiana?"

Those words made the Neko freeze. She was utterly terrified of that human, but she also didn't want to anger the ones who could get rid of her. So with a very small nod, she climbed off the palm, off the bed, and made her way out into the giant hallway.

"It's okay." She assured herself as she now stood inside the giant doorway of Abby's room. What have I got myself into? Kiana thought to herself as the nine-year-old Neko made her way across the floor. 

Why didn't I just tell Mistress what happened? Why did I agree to do this? She continued these thoughts until she was staring into Abigail's face.

The human was still asleep, her arms tucked under her pillow. She looked peaceful, which only made her think more that she would be angry if she woke her up. "Here goes nothing." She whispers and reached out to shake her arm, but before her hand even made contact the teen's hand shot out from under the pillow and had Kiana in its grasp in an instant. 

Kiana wanted to speak, but an angry voice hissed before she could. "What are you doing in my room you little pest?" 

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