Chapter Thirteen

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Lily gently dabbed Kiana's face with a wet rag, who she had made sit on the closed toilet seat in the bathroom. Soft whimpers were audible every time the cloth came into contact with one of her open wounds, but Lily just remained calm and continued to clean up the blood.

"It's alright dear. Just hold still, I'll clean you up and then you and Abby can tell me what happened. With Martha and your sizes, okay?" Lily spoke softly, keeping her voice soothing and gentle as to keep the Neko calm. 

"O-Okay miss," Kiana said very quietly. She hurt so much. She couldn't tell exactly where the cuts were on her face until the damp rag touched them. So far she knew there was one on her lip and one on her cheek. She then spotted a tiny figure in the doorway of the room. "A-Abby?" She called softly before wincing as another alcohol cleansing pad wiped her cheek. 

"Yes?" Abigail timidly called back and made her way over to where her mother was standing in front of the counter to clean off Kiana's face. 

"Are you hurt?" The Neko asked quietly as she lowered her head to meet the tiny teen's dark green orbs with her own brown ones. She really was worried that Abby had gotten hurt when Martha began to beat her, and she didn't want anyone else to be hurt like she was.

"No," Abby responded softly and watched as Kiana's face was finally cleaned off, but she still looked awful. Her right eye was black and swollen, she had a long cut on her left cheek, her lip was busted, and her nose was a little swollen too. Finally fully taking what had happened, she broke down into tears and crumpled to her knees on the ground.

Kiana's eyes widened as Abby had begun sobbing, and she shoved herself off of the toilet seat and went to try and comfort her but Lily beat her to it and had her daughter in her hands, cupping her close in her palms. "Abigail,'s alright dear." She hummed softly, using a finger to gently rub her daughters back.

"M-Mom, I-I don't know what happened to us!" The teen choked out, clutching onto her mother's finger as tears continued to run down her face. "I-I just want to be normal again, I hate being like this!"

"Hush child. We'll figure this out when your father gets home, alright? We can all watch a movie, try to relax, and just wait. I promise you, everything will be just fine girls." Lily's gaze shifted back and forth between Kiana and Abigail, whom both nodded in response. "Atta girls. Come on, let's head downstairs."

Kiana followed close behind Lily as the human went downstairs, still holding Abby close who had managed to calm down to just quiet sniffles. The Neko was truly glad that the teen wasn't hurt, and that Martha would hopefully never be showing her face around them again. But none of them could be too sure.

Kiana took a seat up on the couch beside Lily and found herself leaning her head against her shoulder. For a moment she wanted to move away, afraid of being scolded, but Lily remained silent as she turned on a movie that was recorded on her...her...DVR, Kiana thinks it's called. There were still plenty of objects she didn't really know that humans possessed. Like, why did some people have electric toothbrushes and some didn't? Were the ones that had them just too lazy to do as much?

It wasn't long before Lily glanced down at Kiana, who's head was still resting against her shoulder, her black ears twitching ever so slightly with her eyes closed. The young child was breathing softly, and slowly in a way that signaled she had already fallen asleep. And looking into her lap, a soft laugh passed her lips as she saw Abigail curled up, fast asleep on her leg with her own arms as a pillow.

The human really couldn't blame the two kids. It must have been quite a long day for the two of them, and knowing Kiana saved her daughter, Lily thought the Neko deserved the rest, and possibly a little more. Of course, she'd have to think about what she could do for her.

In the meantime, as she waited for her husband, all Lily could do was lean back on the couch, watch the T.V. screen, and hope he had any idea on how to figure this out.

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