Chapter Fifteen

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That night, Caleb and Lily had a very long discussion before they went to sleep. Neither of them knew what they were getting themselves into but they also knew it had to be done. So in the morning, before Kiana awoke they both went into Abby's room and woke the sleeping teen who grumbled groggily. 

"Abby, we're taking Kiana back to the store," Lily said softly and Abby's dark green orbs snapped wide open and she bolted into a sitting position.

"You're what? You can't do that! You can't take her back today, th-the truck comes, she'll be sent to that place!" Abby rose to her feet, her long black nightgown falling over her. "I won't let you take her!"

"Abigail, she's going." Caleb frowned. "We know what today is. And if we hurry we can go and get her there before she even wakes up." 

"You can't! She's my friend! I know she's just a Neko but she saved my life, and you're going to just get rid of her?!" Abby's voice continued to rise.

"What? Neko?" Lily laughed softly. "Abigail darling, what kind of crazy dream were you having? Kiana's our cat, not a Neko." 

Abby's brows furrowed in confusion and she bolted from the room, looking around near tears. "Kiana? Kiana come here please!" 

As she expected to see a black haired, brown eyed Neko run over, instead a black kitten pranced over and rubbed its head against her bare legs. "B-But...i-it couldn't have been a dream." She whispered, lifting the kitten into her arms as tears ran down her face. "K-Kiana was a six inch tall, nine-year-old saved my life when we ate the cheese...i-it wasn't a dream!"

The black kitten's head tilted as its cold nose nuzzled her hand. Abby couldn't fight it off anymore and broke down into frantic, hysteric sobs as she pushed the small cat away and ran down the steps to the living room. "Kiana?! Kiana come on, this isn't funny!" She shouted as she cried, looking under the couch, in the kitchen, under tables, but the Neko was nowhere to be seen. Instead, the black kitten continued to follow her every time she said Kiana.

After maybe five minutes of frantic searching, Abigail dropped to the floor as she cried, burying her face in her hands. It was a dream, but it had all felt so real. The way she hurt the poor Neko, hearing how she was abused, and then with the cheese. There was no way that could have been a dream, could it?

"Abby dear, if you want to keep your kitten that badly alright. I just don't need you to get so worked up about the little thing." Lily knelt beside her daughter, using a hand to push her brown locks behind her ears. 

"K-Kiana was a Neko mom, I-I know it. It couldn't have been just a dream." The teen whispered, leaving her face in her hands as she sobbed. She continued to sob until she felt herself being shaken harshly and her head snapped up only to see darkness.

She was lying on her bed, in the dark of her room. Tears stained her cheeks and she slowly sat up when a small voice called out to her. "M-Miss Abby, I-I'm sorry that I woke you. B-But you were crying in your sleep."

Her head turned to see the brown haired Neko standing on the mattress and happy tears welled in her eyes. "Y-You're okay, you're you." Her hands swiftly pulled her into herself, tears sliding down her cheeks. "I-It was just a horrid dream, Kiana, oh, I'm sorry." 

Kiana gave the teen a small smile even though once again the scab on her lip broke and it began to bleed. "Nightmares are bad."

"Th-They are," Abby whispered, keeping the Neko clutched close as she continued to cry softly, yet happily. "They really are."

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