Chapter Eight

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Kiana allowed Lily to fix her hair with a smile. She didn't know why she was suddenly making her look nice, but she heard her mumbling something about her 'not needing a reason for her to pick on her'. She's not entirely sure what that means, but she was trying not to dwell too much on it.

"Alright dear, Abby and Martha are going to be here fairly soon," Lily whispered, looking over Kiana with a worried smile. "You're such a pretty young girl." Gently, she used an old dolls brush of Abigail's to comb out the Neko's hair. It was a slightly nostalgic feeling, as well as enjoyable. She used to love brushing out Abby's hair when she was younger.

"Thank you," Kiana replied quietly to the compliment, smiling. While she was nervous to meet this 'Martha' she was also glad Lily or Abby would be there to make sure she was safe from harm.

Lily smiles as the front door swings open and Abby walked in. "Mom! I'm home, and Martha's with me!" 

Abigail was glad her mom let her friend come over. She knows neither her dad or mom like Martha, but she wasn't entirely sure why. Turning around, she grinned happily at her brown haired friend who was looking around the room. "So where's this Neko you told me about?"

"Oh, one sec. Go up to my room and I'll bring her on up." Abby smiled at her friend and watched her disappear up the stairs before going into the living room and snatched Kiana up in a fist. "Don't embarrass me." She hissed at the Neko child.

Kiana struggled in the slightly tight grip, looking at Abigail with a frown. "I-I'll try not to miss." She whispered, confused. 

When they reached Abigail's room, Martha looked at Abby before looking at Kiana and scoffed. "That's the one your dad got? She's so...little." She mumbled, pushing her brown hair back behind her ear.

"All of them are little." Abby laughed, setting Kiana down on the bed in between herself and Martha. "This is Kiana."

Kiana looked up into the new humans face, forcing herself to smile. This human's eyes looked cruel, she could see it. "N-Nice to meet you, Miss Martha." She whispers, addressing the human as the pet Nekos were too.

Martha's eye twitched and she reached out, lifting the Neko up by the back of her shirt. "It's too quiet. How do you even deal with this thing?" She mumbled.

Abby frowned slightly, looking at her friend before shaking her head. "She's just nervous, she'll probably relax soon." She wasn't too happy with the way Martha was acting towards Kiana, as she was just a little kid still.

"I can't believe you got one this useless." She dropped Kiana back onto the bed. "Most people get ones they can use for their own reasons. My uncle had one at one point, but he said she was useless too so he got rid of her."

Abigail nodded, discreetly helping Kiana back onto her feet. "I-I think I'll go ask my mom to make us some snacks. I'll be back." She smiled and hurried from the room.

As soon as Abby was gone, Martha's hand shot out and gripped the Neko tightly. "This is for my friends own good." She smirked, glaring down at Kiana and stuffing her into the side pocket of her backpack.

Kiana hadn't had a chance to react before she was sealed into darkness. Immediately tears brimmed in her eyes and she struggled to get out of the pocket. "N-No, let me-" A sharp impact struck her and she let out a soft cry of pain, tears trailing down her cheeks. The human hit her through the bag.

Martha grabbed her cell phone and left the room, bumping into Abigail before smiling. "Hey, sorry Abby. My mom just texted me and said I have to go home and watch my little bro. We can hang out another time." 

Abigail frowned but nodded. "Oh, okay. Thanks for stopping by a least. I'll see you at school tomorrow." 

"No problem." Martha kept up the fake smile before hurrying out of her friend's house, making sure the Neko was quiet the whole way. She had a plan.

Feeling the Neko was just a burden on Abby, she was going to return the little pest to the store the day of pickup that takes the Neko's to the breeding facilities. Then there would be absolutely no chance that the Neko would escape and get back to them. Until then, she just had to keep Kiana locked up in her own house.

Kiana had heard Martha mumbling to herself but was more focused on getting out of the bag. With tears streaming down her face, she struggled against the fabric until a small light leaked through the top of the bag.

She continued to kick and squirm. After about ten minutes she was now able to pull herself out the top of the pocket. But the sight made her drop.

She had no idea where she was. None of the houses looked familiar to her. But she knew she couldn't stick around. 

She shoved herself out of the bag and resisted the urge to cry out in pain as she landed on her back. On her back on the cement of the sidewalk. But she just laid there. Waiting until Martha's footsteps stopped shaking the ground. Waiting until she could get away without her realizing.

But her whole tiny body was aching from the fall, and she found it very difficult to stand. But she did.

Now she tried to take in her surroundings. Trying to see exactly where she was so she could get home. But it was no use. None of this place looked familiar. She has no idea where her family is.

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