Chapter Seventeen

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It wasn't long before Kiana had picked out enough for the forty-five dollars worth. This included cute little hair accessories, shoes, some shirts and pants, and even a cute little blue and white striped sundress. But Kiana's most favorite thing she picked out was a blue and white butterfly hair accessory with a silver clip to match the sundress. She loved how it looked, and the way the rhinestone it used on the wings sparkled fascinated her. 

Abby had watched the young Neko's wide eyes examining each and every article of clothing and furniture around the small store. It was adorable the way she squealed when she saw something she really liked. And now they were on the way to the checkout with the forty-five dollars ready in hand to pay for everything when she heard a small gasp from Kiana. 

"Oh...Abby look at it!" Kiana pointed to a pink and black dress hanging on a tiny rack near the checkout counter. It would go to her shins, and the sleeves were elbow length. It had some sequins lining the bottom as a trim too. 

Abigail's dark green orbs followed the Neko's gaze and she spotted the dress and a smile crossed her face before it faded. "Kiana, we already got the forty-five dollars my mom said we could get."

Kiana's bright smile faded from her face and her black ears lowered sadly. "Oh...right. I'm sorry Miss, it's just very pretty." She spoke softly, lowering her head as her tail curled around her arms.

The teen's chest tightened at the sad and disappointed look on her face before she took a deep breath and smiled. "How about I use my own little bit of allowance to get that for you. That way it's like a gift from me, instead of using the money my mom told us we could spend."

The Neko's eyes brightened up again and she turned her brown orbs up to her. "Oh, Miss! Could you?! I-I mean, would you?!" Her hands clasped together as she looked back to the dress. "Oh, thank you so much!"

Abby's fingers delicately moved the dress into the small box she had nearly filled with the items for Kiana and placed it on the checkout counter as she could feel the Neko bouncing excitedly in her palm.

A soft scoff from behind her made her turn and spot an elderly looking woman behind them holding a similar box. "You shouldn't let her get whatever she wants, it'll become spoiled and begin to disobey." 

"I'm sorry, what? You don't know anything about this Neko. Nor what I was told when we got her. Also, she's still a kid and I'm happy to get something for her. She's not getting whatever she wants, she's getting whatever she deserves. And you do what you want with your own pet, and I'll do what I want with mine." Abby turned to face the clerk and paid for the items before turning away. "Oh, and one more thing," She turned around to face the woman again. "She's not an 'it'. Her name is Kiana." And with those final words, she stormed out of the Neko shop and took a moment to breathe.

Kiana's eyes widened as she listened to the quick exchange, surprised at how she was being defended by the teen. Once they were out of the store, she began to feel guilty about asking for the dress in the first place. "Miss Abigail...I-I'm sorry I-" A large finger covered her mouth and she looked up at the owner with a small frown.

"Don't apologize, please. You didn't do anything." Abby said softly, cupping the young Neko close. "We still have about an hour left to look around if you still want to." She spoke in a soft tone, her finger brushing black hair out of Kiana's face.

"Um...I am a little hungry." She said quietly, leaning into the teen's gentle touch. 

"To the food court, it is. I'll get something for me and you can just nibble on that so that we don't have to spend as much." Abigail suggested as they made their way back towards the escalator, placing Kiana on her shoulder.

Just as Kiana was about to respond, she was snatched off the shoulder with a rough hand and tight grip, causing her to let out a startled and pained yelp.

Abby wheeled around and stared at the large man in front of her, holding the Neko. "Give her back." She demanded though she knew even if she tried he'd still get away.

"M-Miss Abby, he's the o-one who j-just returned me!" Kiana's voice was so scared and pained that it hurt the teen's heart badly. She had to somehow get her back.

"Shut it squirt." The man pushed past Abigail and attempted to move through the crowd of people unnoticed, his grip tightening on the young Neko in his hand.

Abigail ran after him, getting an idea. "S-Someone help, please! He's taking my pet!" She shouted, drawing the attention of a few people. 

The man sped up which drew even more attention, and he only stopped when a security guard stepped in front of him with a scowl. "Stealing from children is quite low, even for you." He mumbled, watching Abigail run over and take Kiana.

"She's mine! I bought her myself!" The man hissed, trying to snatch Kiana back who yelped and buried her face into Abigail's arm. 

"M-Miss, don't l-let him take me!" She cried softly, feeling Abigail's grip on her tighten, only it wasn't to hurt her.

"I won't. No one who hurt you will ever touch you again." The teen whispered as she turned and hurried away with the Neko and the bag of items they bought. "Let's just skip the food court and go find my parents."

Kiana nodded in agreement, her whole body trembling as she tried to calm herself down so she didn't seem shaken in front of Caleb and Lily.

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