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A/N: I'm sorry, that this update took a while longer, but last week I totally forgot I had a wedding to attend to and then the rest of the week and the weekend was filled with family things... So glad, to be back.^^

And as an explanation for the title picture. I figured, I could show the positions on the map to you (because it is kinda funny). It will always be the last positions at the end of the previous chapter. ;)

At one point of his journey, Shimon had been on a lucky streak. When he had been on his way to the Crystal, sneaking out of his estate and burrowing warrior's clothing unnoticed, to call off the arranged marriage and, more importantly, to safe his sister, he had felt as if the Crystal's blessing had reached him.

In the next moment he had found himself stolen from, captured on the cart of a farmer being in a fierce battle against the content's of his stomach and after that being abducted – theoretically. Whoever the persons were, who stole the cart, had no idea what was inside, but still...

Trying to keep his breakfast inside and safe his clothes, he pressed himself onto the wooden planes of the cart, hoping to outbalance the harsh tremor of the cart rushing over the road.

He wondered, where the cart was heading to. It seemed to have sped along an uneven road for a while now, accompanied by the sound of galloping horses.

Another bump on the street made him fly in his cage and send a new rush of nausea into his head and stomach. Later one began to churn up and down violently.

Sucking in breaths, Shimon tried to get control over his body.

His throat constricted as if it called out for the content of his stomach to leave his body.

He wouldn't vomit.

He wouldn't submit to this weakness, not now.

He was a prince and he wouldn't soil himself in this awful smelling constricted room.

Yet, he was loosing this fight, being at the mercy of the cart's joggling motions.

Just, when he thought he couldn't contain himself any longer, he felt the cart was slowing down.

In his mind he thanked the holy Crystal for this blessing.

Still concentrating on his breathing, he could feel the much more softer motions of the cart until it stopped.

Shimon couldn't hear the stomp of the horses either.

It seemed like they had finally reached their destination. Wherever that may be.

Suddenly he heard a yawn from outside. "I feel tarnished and hungry, let's make camp first, Aniki (1)."

A grunt came from the side of the cart.

The very idea of food made Shimon retch. Trying to keep down the noise he covered his mouth with a hand.

Listening closely, Shimon could hear now the steps leading the person away from the cart.

This was his opportunity to escape.

Turning around, he looked through the little slide between the tarp and the back of the cart. He saw opened wooden doors leading outside of the building the cart currently seemed to be in. He wasn't sure, if there was anything or someone else in this room but he needed to get out, either way.

The nausea was killing him.

So he took his chances and pushed the tarp upwards.

He slowly climbed down the cart, pulling out his wobbling legs one after another. Reaching for his katana, he thought about fastening it to his side but the world was spinning around him.

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