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A/N: By the way, did you notice the change on the map? *grins*

Mayura did not know what she'd expected of life. When she was young, she had made up stories about her future, coloring the painting brushed with the strokes of words with Rokuro lending her a hand. She had been sure to never leave the estate, to live there for the rest of her life, to be wedded some day to a man her father would chose with her and her mother's consent. The last three days had been anything but her original prospects.

Yet, she had not stopped and thought about her life so far when she'd left the estate, when she'd freed prisoners and crossed the sea. It had not been expected but not utterly shocking. Now she thought she'd found something she never would have expected, not in her wildest dreams to partake in her life: Seeing the remains of a human body being burned to charcoal. Very few people thought death to be a prominent part in life. But it was and Mayura had learned it in a frightening way while gathering the mushrooms she'd dropped and being friendly with her companion.

After she'd recovered from the shock and they agreed to bury the remains again, they'd left the grave with the different forms of prayers of their nations, different in words but not meaning, and went their way. They had not spoken much to each other for the rest of the day. Except for necessary questions and statements they chose silence over talking and had worked on their chores, keeping them busy until the evening.

It would be almost funny how this silence between them was disturbing her, if it weren't for today's discovery. She'd finally come around to open up to him and found she even liked it, when death forced its way into her life.

Who had burned those bodies? Did they kill them? Was somebody else on this island?

The bones of the dead weren't the only they had found. When they were able to tear their frightened eyes away from the gruesome discovery, they'd noticed the carving on the trunk above the grave. Mayura had seen them first. It was in her periphery as she tore her gaze away from the skulls staring back at her. When she raised her eyes she saw them, marks on the tree that were deeply carved into its bark. Three rectangular with sharp edges at the upper and lower end overlaying each other, the biggest one in the middle, pointing upwards and the other two facing away.

 Three rectangular with sharp edges at the upper and lower end overlaying each other, the biggest one in the middle, pointing upwards and the other two facing away

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(A/N: Sorry, that it looks shitty. But I can't draw. Neither on paper nor on the PC. XD)

She'd never seen a symbol like this before. Neither had Shimon. At least he told her so when she pointed him to it. And she'd believed him. There was no reason for him to lie. He'd been as shocked as her at their finding.

What had happened on this isle? The unknown drifting in and out of her like smoke, filling her at every breath, darkening what laid inside. It was weighing on her heart and mind. Who had those people been? How had they lived? Had they been happy? Was she going to end the same way? Would she die on this island?

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